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September 14, 2002
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59 Comments. 3 pages. Viewing page 2.
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Re: 195MB?
Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
Re: 195MB? Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
Jan 30, 2003, 17:36
I don't mind the size... but well 200 megs for 6 maps? Not to mention that i'll probably only play on the BR one, MAYBE the CTF's sometime.

I think this leads back to my only complaint about UT2003... Why the heck wasn't it just released on DVD, instead of 3 cd's Or at least given us the option.

Re: I believe this is for server only.
Jan 25, 2003, 05:14
Re: I believe this is for server only. Jan 25, 2003, 05:14
Jan 25, 2003, 05:14
I agree, it might look great on the DOOM3 engine but the lower player counts whould kill the teamplay type game that NS is. I just can hope that someone starts this up for the UT2003 engine. I think you could do wonders with it, between the better graphics and bigger levels. Although the Q3ATA engine would most likly work good and wouldn't be as hard going from one engine type to another. But then again switching might not be that big a deal, since it's just a guess on my part.

I see Valve packaging this after a few more releases(See 1.1 and more maps) and trying to sell it in stores. I kinda wish they would work on all their other projects first though.

Re: No subject
Jan 15, 2003, 16:55
Re: No subject Jan 15, 2003, 16:55
Jan 15, 2003, 16:55
Between this, Civ3, and MOO3, there's is a Very huge chunk of time taken out of gaming for turn based strats lattely.

Re: No subject
Jan 1, 2003, 22:06
Re: No subject Jan 1, 2003, 22:06
Jan 1, 2003, 22:06
We arn't allowed to bash HL anymore... because it brought us Natural Selection. ^_^

I always found it bad taste to call a game good or bad based on how it compares to other games of the same type. If you want to bash something bash a feature or something in the game that has been copied, but each game as a whole seems to stand on their own, since no two are totaly a like. If you are so stuck in the past of gaming you won't be able to see past that image of what a game should/chould be like when it's different. Each new game should be a new experiance, and push gaming forwards not keep it trapped in it's past.

Re: Whats the tally
Dec 22, 2002, 22:21
Re: Whats the tally Dec 22, 2002, 22:21
Dec 22, 2002, 22:21
Natural selection is a blast... been spending way too much time on it. I've downloaded this, but havn't had time to play yet

Re: Giveaway...
Dec 20, 2002, 14:35
Re: Giveaway... Dec 20, 2002, 14:35
Dec 20, 2002, 14:35
Considering I was working when this came out... I think all 20,000 are taken by now.

Re: hmmmm
Dec 14, 2002, 05:30
Re: hmmmm Dec 14, 2002, 05:30
Dec 14, 2002, 05:30
"From what's been goin round, it sounds like MechAssault is one kick ass game when played online over Live and I haven't seen any plans to bring it to the other consoles"

Yea I have to say that i've played MechAssault a LOT more then any other x-box game I have. There's just something about it that's very addictive. It's got that whole simple yet complex thing going for it. I mean even the single player is damn fun to mess around with.

I think x-box live is what will keep the system in the market for the long run. They are setting up a cheat free online gaming area for people that want it. This is much better then PS2's pay to play for each game. Also sometime in the future x-box will have SWG, and well you will be able to hook people without PC's on MMO's. Maybe not the best thing, but it's a plus.

Re: wtf
Nov 29, 2002, 03:37
Re: wtf Nov 29, 2002, 03:37
Nov 29, 2002, 03:37
Total and compleate... Oh course I was expecting a LOT more from an online simes game. But heck I can't even break in and steal peoples stuff... now what kind of game is that ^_^;; I was play testing this for a while and I just can't find why SO many people like the online game so much.

Re: No subject
Nov 28, 2002, 07:05
Re: No subject Nov 28, 2002, 07:05
Nov 28, 2002, 07:05
It's not major game fetures they are talking about. They are talking abouting readding or putting in features that they wanted in the releases but had cut for some reason before, but now have time to put them in/need them. Look at almost any game code and you will see features that are like 80% compleate but didn't make it in because of time.

Personaly I'm glad they are delaying it. I wish more companys whould delay products a week or 2 to make sure everything runs better. I can think of at least 5 games in the last year that wanted to make their first ship date and so they had patches avalible on the release date, or even before. THIS is NOT the way to do it. Just delay the game a damn week and make sure the patch is in game/works. Now If they keep delaying a game by months and months, (DNF) you have to start wondering.

Re: I hate these kind of things.
Nov 26, 2002, 18:06
Re: I hate these kind of things. Nov 26, 2002, 18:06
Nov 26, 2002, 18:06
I've tryed it with netscape and IE... pretty much every version.

Old fileplanet still seems to work well (The direct links) and i've never had to wait more then 4 mins in line. I still don't understand why people complain about waiting when it's free and it's less then 5 mins. That's nothing in todays world.

I hate these kind of things.
Nov 26, 2002, 17:41
I hate these kind of things. Nov 26, 2002, 17:41
Nov 26, 2002, 17:41
Ever since gamespy and fileplanet went together I have NOT been able to log into fileplanet with my account. So I ask why the heck is fileplanet the only place that I am able to get these exclusive demos If i'm not able to even get into their system. It's a great error... just keeps kicking me back to the login screen even after putting in the correct password and user name. I guess some of us will just have to wait and use those overseas sites once they get it.

This comment was edited on Nov 26, 17:41.
Re: **Update**
Nov 24, 2002, 09:16
Re: **Update** Nov 24, 2002, 09:16
Nov 24, 2002, 09:16
Haha nice post.

But well for once i'm not on the side of modders. You are warned in the user agreement that you will get banned if your x-box is modded, yet you still went through and made the account. Personaly I love the idea of mods and being able to play games that I import from other countries, BUT until this is the only use for mod chips(IE won't let you steal games/hack into the system) you can be sure companys will fight them any way they can.

Even then they will probelly still fight them for some reason.

This comment was edited on Nov 24, 09:16.
Nov 22, 2002, 22:03
Re: OSCAR BAYBEE! Nov 22, 2002, 22:03
Nov 22, 2002, 22:03
Well it wasn't shown at our screening... there was another 8 previews shown, but no War3

Re: hey
Nov 20, 2002, 01:05
Re: hey Nov 20, 2002, 01:05
Nov 20, 2002, 01:05
Don't judge games on demos. Both full version of Ren and BF ran a lot better in the final version then in the demo's on my system. At the time it was the lower end of the sys req's on both games... but now that my computer has caught up with the games it just looks/plays damn good. Ren's netcode is a lot better now then when it was released, but I still think it's best on a lan. BF I havn't touched in a while thanks for UT2003 and NS.(mainly NS)

Renegades when you connected to a good server has always been a great stable game. Their main problem was that everyone was trying to run servers from their homes and it really needed a big machine/connect to handle the load.

Also the main reason I havn't been playing it lattely (Like a lot of games) is because you need to put the damn CD in the tray every time you want to play. Last Time I went "Oh I think i'll jump into a quick game", being greated by a "No CD found in Drive" error just killed my urge and sent me back to another game that I didn't need the CD for.

Re: hey
Nov 19, 2002, 20:28
Re: hey Nov 19, 2002, 20:28
Nov 19, 2002, 20:28
Yea, this is a great online game. I usally have trouble finding servers, since it seemed that all the good servers (which are lacking when compared to other games) are always filled with 32 or so players. This is a GREAT Lan party game.

If they do end up doing a sequal, I hope they license out for a new engine (UT2003 would work great), since that seemed to be where most of their problems where, along with people trying to run servers on connections that chouldn't support them.

Re: Pushing XBox Live?
Nov 15, 2002, 21:14
Re: Pushing XBox Live? Nov 15, 2002, 21:14
Nov 15, 2002, 21:14
I think they will stick with the price per year. Either 20 or 30 dollars is pretty damn good if they keep it at that... if not that's still worth the headset and first year alone. I don't think they vastly overrated the number of people with BB/x-box's, which is what the numbers for the online users comes from. With the intergration of x-box live in titles it just sweetens the deal.

I know i'm only going to be using the live part of the x-box for a select few games, but the play time vs cost is worth it to me.

Now if they would only add live support to the DoA volleyball game.

Re: A little suspicious
Nov 13, 2002, 07:48
Re: A little suspicious Nov 13, 2002, 07:48
Nov 13, 2002, 07:48
It's MOO3. This is one series I have yet to see as a let down/waste of money to buy, EVER. I still have great memories of playing MOO2 hotseat games that lasted full weekends.

Now regarding gamespy... and most previews, I tend to ignore/not look at them. The game will come out when it comes out and nothing in a preview is stopping that. By previewing a game they are basicly saying that they are only going to stay good things about it. That's how they get to preview MORE games. If you want a judge of the game wait until reviews come out, but I know this is one game i've had preordered for a long time and nothing is canceling that.

This mod...
Nov 6, 2002, 13:38
This mod... Nov 6, 2002, 13:38
Nov 6, 2002, 13:38
... is SO damn addictive. I mean you play a game, 1 game only, look down at the clock and an hour or two has gone by. With good teams i've had a 3 hour game, with 2 come backs from each team to almost win. The final base seiges are insanly awsome assaults. I must say I havn't had this much fun with a FPS mod/game in a LONG time. Good commanders make and break the marines side, and aliens really need to work together well if they want to hold all their ground. Playing on an 80 ping server earlier just kicked ass and this should make it even better.

As for the person asking about the game... just goto file planet or fileshack or one of those big files place and download it. It's only 80 megs or less and WELL worth it.

Re: No subject
Oct 31, 2002, 16:04
Re: No subject Oct 31, 2002, 16:04
Oct 31, 2002, 16:04
"I'm really surprised an MMO would take the route of such super high system requirements. How in the world are they going to pull in large numbers of people with those kinds of requirements?"

AC2 dosn't really have that high of requirments if you look at the current systems coming out. My 1.1 ghz, 256, GF2 MX 64mb system runs the game well at mid graphics settings, and it still looks VERY nice. The game is very scalable (Geforce 1 is still very much playable) and with the monthly storyline and updates it's got the gameplay stuff down pretty good.

E&B is fun, I played the beta for over 1 year... only reason i'm playing retail at all is because of all the people I met ingame and like to play with. Although it looks like EVE will be able to kill this one.

The Game just looks breathtaking on a 2 Ghz, 1 gig ram, readon 9700 machine.

Re: Internet Play Sucks
Oct 31, 2002, 07:05
Re: Internet Play Sucks Oct 31, 2002, 07:05
Oct 31, 2002, 07:05
"I have no idea what they are smoking at Firaxis, but they did not test their software"

I've always found the best multiplayer mode is hot seat anyways. I'm going to give internet play a run once some of my friends have time to pick up the exp pack.

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