Nothing is in stone in regards to future prospects of this movie. The snippet states that it will 'aim' for a PG-13 rating. There is a slight possibility that this was stated to appease the bible-bashers and Columbine-recovering soccer Moms that are on the lookout to point the blame at anything for violence in America. True, past movies based off of video games have sucked. This snippet didn't mention if the movie would be all computer graphics or use actors (I assume actors since it didn't specify.) Does anyone know anything else about the future prospect of this movie? It says "a writer" will be put on board...who? What if one of Id's guys is put in charge? Secondly, how far can one push the PG-13 rating? It doesn't have to be an intense shoot-em-up in the movie as it seemed to always be in game. If given enough depth, it might not need to break beyond the PG-13 limitation. My point is, have a little faith and keep an open mind about it. At the very least the idea has been brought to the surface yet again with the *prospect* of being something great. Lastly, if everyone is so pessimistic about how it's going to be ruined, why not stop complaining and make a difference by actually doing something about it (aka entering the film industry and doing it the "right" way).
I guess my main reason for this post is because I hate to see people shoot something down so quickly, when they know so very little about it. It's part of the reason why there's so much turmoil and conflict with one another today, imo.