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208 Comments. 11 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Mods for HL2
Nov 13, 2005, 11:30
Re: Mods for HL2 Nov 13, 2005, 11:30
Nov 13, 2005, 11:30
For a light chuckle, check out this page for TF2 on - and check out the *cough* awesome screenshots.

I'd wager that more work has been done on DNF than TF2.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Xbox 360 Excitement Approaches...
Nov 13, 2005, 10:34
Re: Xbox 360 Excitement Approaches... Nov 13, 2005, 10:34
Nov 13, 2005, 10:34
Someone was playing the CoD2 demo. I watched and thought ... damn, my PC does better effects and it's just an OK system

Really? What system are you running? I'd like to know what 'OK' system you have runs COD2 at 1280x720 resolution at a better framerate than the 360. Keep in mind the 360 is $399. And for that matter, the $299 sans-harddrive system could run it as well.

I just find that an interesting comment that your PC does better effects. I have a P4 3.2ghz with a Geforce 6800GT 256MB system. I don't recall the COD2 demo on my PC having ANY better effects than the 360 version.

EDIT - However, I agree that PC gaming isn't in danger of going away any time soon. PC gaming will always have the edge in technology advances, and more versatile input devices. That all comes at a price. Consoles will always offer an experience less than that of PCs (in some areas), but at a MUCH cheaper cost. It's good that we have the choice of which way to go...or go both ways by being a console and PC gamer.

This comment was edited on Nov 13, 10:39.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Nov 9, 2005, 21:54
Re: No subject Nov 9, 2005, 21:54
Nov 9, 2005, 21:54
I believe it's programmed in Darkbasic, one of those "Now you can write games too!" programming packages. It's actually quite impressive for what's basically one guy's pet project.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 27, 2005, 18:41
Re: No subject Oct 27, 2005, 18:41
Oct 27, 2005, 18:41
Agreed. There's a lot to read, but that's good if you've never played Diplomacy. However, I would suspect most people interested in this *have* played it. The interface seems very nice so far (I've only been through about 20% of the tutorial, and that took almost 15-20 minutes. The playing surface looks nice, very boardgame like, with some nice touches like a generic ripple effect for water and the units have shadows that ever so slightly move from side to side to keep the board from looking too static) I wonder though about the AI, since apparently there's no way to actually play against it in the demo.

Proabably a moot point as Diplomacy really needs to be played with humans (it has multiplayer), as the negotiation is just as important (if not moreso) than the tactics.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: umm.
Oct 24, 2005, 12:29
Re: umm. Oct 24, 2005, 12:29
Oct 24, 2005, 12:29
1.Games based on movies = Suck
2.Movies based on Games = Suck even more.

You forgot #3
3 - Uwe Boll = new definition of suck
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: w00tage
Oct 20, 2005, 20:44
Re: w00tage Oct 20, 2005, 20:44
Oct 20, 2005, 20:44
I am unhappy to report that these still contain the terrain graphical issue with Guild Wars that 81.84 beta had.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 9, 2005, 16:08
Re: No subject Oct 9, 2005, 16:08
Oct 9, 2005, 16:08
Wow, lucky us. Only now did you realize how smart you are and, after the fact, that you already invented the Revolution controller.

Oh, so the fact that he merely mentions that he thought about putting an accelerometer in a controller is BOTH showing how smart he is, and saying he invented the Rev controller? Dang, you are reading what you want into that.

Wait, you spent all the previous part of the article saying it was dumb and pointless. WTF?

No, he didn't! He said, quote "We did a lot of research on gamers and talked to a lot of game developers and said, 'Should we put an accelerometer in there?' And there wasn't that much enthusiasm around it. "

That, in no way, is saying he thought it was dumb and pointless.

What about FFXI? MMOGs? Online-delivered games? What, because they do not "officially" exist yet, you are not "officially" screwing over those without it? And broadening the audience? By splitting the hardware? Not having it standard? Asking most developers to do what they can to have it not require one? Having games that do require it, screwing over those that do not have it? Umm...yeah.

It would be screwing them over if they never had the option to buy the hard drive when, and if they want it. Most devs admitted that they would rather have more RAM than a harddrive if given the choice. If you want those things, then get the hard drive. It isn't a hard choice. Most devs aren't even complaining about this. It's the forumites that are. This is an old argument.

"But I think it's very pro-consumer and very pro-developer, and I think that in five years everybody will look back and say that this was a very, very good move on our part to launch worldwide and to have the flexibility for consumers to decide on their products."

Oh man, does this one even need a comment?

No, of course not, because it seems like a plausible statement.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 9, 2005, 15:43
Re: No subject Oct 9, 2005, 15:43
Oct 9, 2005, 15:43
I am paraphrasing, but he went on about how smart he is, how he actually invented the Revolution controller, and bragged about how "complete" Halo 2 was.

Interesting, I got something totally different out of the Gamespot article.

I didn't really see anywhere where he talked about how smart he was. (although, that comment might have been directed at another interview) His remark on the revolution controller wasn't anywhere near stating that he invented it. He merely said that he thought about putting an accelerometer in a controller and the people he talked didn't like the idea. He actually applauds Nintendo for doing it. You can take his comment about Halo2 completeness two ways. If you only look at the SP of it, yeah, it was quite incomplete. But if you look at the MP of it, you can see where he's coming from...over a year of in house MP testing went into that game, and they didn't release it until they felt MP was rock solid. And from my perspective, for a console FPS MP online game, it certainly was solid.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 9, 2005, 15:17
Re: No subject Oct 9, 2005, 15:17
Oct 9, 2005, 15:17
I am paraphrasing, but he went on about how smart he is, how he actually invented the Revolution controller, and bragged about how "complete" Halo 2 was.

Are you sure that was J. Allard? Sounds more like Al Gore.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 9, 2005, 09:59
Re: No subject Oct 9, 2005, 09:59
Oct 9, 2005, 09:59
Peter doesn't owe me a game that I'll like. He just owes me a patch for BSOD.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: No subject
Oct 8, 2005, 21:34
Re: No subject Oct 8, 2005, 21:34
Oct 8, 2005, 21:34
My favorite quote about the patch from the devs is "This patch is not vital" - Swell. So in other words, it won't fix the BSOD I get when trying to play. I swear, I've had my current two boxes in their current configuration since Doom3, and this is the first time I've gotten a full blown BSOD. I wanna like BW2 so much...but can't.

EDIT: reading the patch readme shows that it indeed fixes certain in-game crashes. Apparently they don't consider game crashing to be vital to gameplay, since they state the patch (which fixes crashes) isn't vital. Ugh.

This comment was edited on Oct 8, 21:39.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Beta
Oct 6, 2005, 10:09
Re: Beta Oct 6, 2005, 10:09
Oct 6, 2005, 10:09
Ok I can answer my own question now that I installed the drivers. GW is still playable, but the ground textures are where the problem is. It's almost like the textures are correct where the ground is flat, but as soon as there is some sort of elevation change, the texture drops out. Playable, but not preferable. Hopefully fully tested and tweaked drivers will be out soon.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Beta
Oct 5, 2005, 18:32
Re: Beta Oct 5, 2005, 18:32
Oct 5, 2005, 18:32
Stear clear of these if you plan on playing Guildwars as they have issues with that game

Can you provide a resource/link for this that details the issues? I'd like to install for the B&W2 fix, but don't wanna crap out my GW.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Shut your hole, sixis.
Oct 5, 2005, 09:51
Re: Shut your hole, sixis. Oct 5, 2005, 09:51
Oct 5, 2005, 09:51
I'm not interested in DNF and never have been. DN3D was a amatuerish pastiche of better movies...

Ok, I can agree with that

... better games.

Huh? What better FPS were out at the time that D3D stole from? Unless you want to keep fighting the long dead D3d vs Quake fight (remember that one, guys?), I think you'd be hard pressed to convince most people here that D3D sucked. (at least those of us who played it new)

I think what Sixis said was true (the D3D part...we part ways on the Christ thing It's not going out on a limb saying that most people here enjoyed D3D when it came out.

This comment was edited on Oct 5, 09:51.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
hope it's better than the last one
Oct 5, 2005, 07:46
hope it's better than the last one Oct 5, 2005, 07:46
Oct 5, 2005, 07:46
This could be one of those games just best left to the cardboard and bits world. The one released a few years ago (maybe 5 years now) had abysmal AI and the interface wasn't very intuitive. I think this could be playable now that VOIP is more widely used, but Diplomacy really needs to be played one of two ways...either face to face, or via email. Both of these ways gives players the ability to discuss strategy/create alliances at length...something a little harder to do in a chat window.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: FIFA is a farce
Oct 1, 2005, 12:02
Re: FIFA is a farce Oct 1, 2005, 12:02
Oct 1, 2005, 12:02
I take Konami's PES4 anytime, THEY at least know how to get it right. A supreme soccer game in all aspects

It's too bad that EA has the general sports gaming population snowed into thinking EA sports is 'where it is'. It's amazing how many people will flock to a game because it's on TV, and even more assume that a name associated with it (Madden, for instance) makes it pure gold.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Nothing special at all..
Sep 27, 2005, 13:24
Re: Nothing special at all.. Sep 27, 2005, 13:24
Sep 27, 2005, 13:24
What? More of the same?

Quite possibly. I enjoyed COD and expansion, and I enjoyed the COD2 demo. Graphics were a nice step up, and the core gameplay was the same, so no worries there for me. I was pretty much just hoping for better graphics and some new scenarios. Got that, so I'm happy. If everyone bitches enough, maybe they'll put a toggle for grenade warning indicator and red-crosshairs indicator. Those two things definitely make the game easier, but not really any less enjoyable for me. My only issue is deciding whether to play in the quite beautiful 12x10 at around 20fps, or smooth as silk 10x7, but with a decided loss of crispness.
(P4 3.2ghz, 2gb ram, 6800GT 256mb)
EDIT - my 20FPS remark is based on eyballing it only...I haven't FRAPS'ed it yet.

This comment was edited on Sep 27, 13:26.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Perfect Dark Zero clips
Sep 26, 2005, 14:35
Re: Perfect Dark Zero clips Sep 26, 2005, 14:35
Sep 26, 2005, 14:35
MR LOLICON - but it's hardly how a real body would react to getting shot.

Right. Most real bodies reaction to being shot is something like "F%^K this! I'm outta here!"

NITEX - It has some of the most retarded rag doll animations on any FPS game I have ever seen.
Ehh..the physics are over the top, but that's hardly unexpeced. People doing 3 backflips after getting kicked in a kung-fu movie isn't realistic either, but it's fun to watch. If that isn't your cup of tea, no worries. It's odd though, that you would use one aspect of a game you don't like as a measuring tool for whether or not you're going to buy the system. Sounds a little like you are reaching for reasons to pummel it.

EDIT - clarified who said what quotes

This comment was edited on Sep 26, 14:37.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Joke of a game
Sep 22, 2005, 16:13
Re: Joke of a game Sep 22, 2005, 16:13
Sep 22, 2005, 16:13
I guess It just bugs the hell of me how over the top the game is with the dialog and how targeted at kids the play seems to be.

I can understand being offended at the each his own. But I disagree that the game is 'targeted' at kids because of its arcade over sim emphasis. I think it's just targeted at those who like arcade-style flight games.
Spread the O&A Virus on XM Radio Channel 202
Re: Joke of a game
Sep 22, 2005, 14:41
Re: Joke of a game Sep 22, 2005, 14:41
Sep 22, 2005, 14:41
That's why they always seem to eject even if the plane explodes in mid-air. That makes it ok I guess. At least I think they would always eject when I played the demo...'re right. The ol' A-Team syndrome.

Actually, I was offended by the fact I couldn't ram or shoot down the ejected pilots
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