Wow, lucky us. Only now did you realize how smart you are and, after the fact, that you already invented the Revolution controller.
Oh, so the fact that he merely mentions that he thought about putting an accelerometer in a controller is BOTH showing how smart he is, and saying he invented the Rev controller? Dang, you are reading what you want into that.
Wait, you spent all the previous part of the article saying it was dumb and pointless. WTF?
No, he didn't! He said, quote "We did a lot of research on gamers and talked to a lot of game developers and said, 'Should we put an accelerometer in there?' And there wasn't that much enthusiasm around it. "
That, in no way, is saying he thought it was dumb and pointless.
What about FFXI? MMOGs? Online-delivered games? What, because they do not "officially" exist yet, you are not "officially" screwing over those without it? And broadening the audience? By splitting the hardware? Not having it standard? Asking most developers to do what they can to have it not require one? Having games that do require it, screwing over those that do not have it? Umm...yeah.
It would be screwing them over if they never had the option to buy the hard drive when, and if they want it. Most devs admitted that they would rather have more RAM than a harddrive if given the choice. If you want those things, then get the hard drive. It isn't a hard choice. Most devs aren't even complaining about this. It's the forumites that are. This is an old argument.
"But I think it's very pro-consumer and very pro-developer, and I think that in five years everybody will look back and say that this was a very, very good move on our part to launch worldwide and to have the flexibility for consumers to decide on their products."
Oh man, does this one even need a comment?
No, of course not, because it seems like a plausible statement.