quote gearbox=
Randy_Pitchford: Yes - The rendering engine is fully dx 8.1. Not all of our content pushes it to the extreme because it was important for us to be compatible on a huge range of customers. Bond's core audience is casual so it was dangerous for us to assume that our customers had the latest hardware.
i say=
what a stupid attitude. im sure a majority of PC users have at least a GF3 or Radeon 8800 now and if not tough on them!!!
gamespy and gearbox quote =
*Dark_Obi-Wan* Are there going to be any defining differences between the console versions (such as the Xbox having more weapons or levels, or Gamecube having better graphics)?
Randy_Pitchford: PC version is only version with on-line internet play. I suspect that's of interest to GameSpy users
i say= so what. its missing other elements such as the car race and or course the original engine.
also gamespy suck too!