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Re: Nice
Jun 5, 2005, 13:06
Re: Nice Jun 5, 2005, 13:06
Jun 5, 2005, 13:06
I don't want to break the party, but you've seen 45 seconds of render and 5 seconds of gameplay and you're all saying this is the best thing since sliced bread.

Yes, it does look interesting and Savage was a good game. But how can you even compare this with UE3 is beyond me. Then again, most gamers fell for the E3 PS3 crap...

Certainly a game to follow though

Apr 28, 2005, 15:53
Re: MMORPG? Apr 28, 2005, 15:53
Apr 28, 2005, 15:53
(can't edit)
From their game synopsis: Guild Wars takes the best elements of today's massively multiplayer online games and combines them with a new mission-based design that eliminates some of the more tedious aspects of those games.

I guess I was wrong.
"Taking the best element from" doesn't mean being one. You were not wrong...

Apr 28, 2005, 15:50
Re: MMORPG? Apr 28, 2005, 15:50
Apr 28, 2005, 15:50
Look at the press release, look on their website. They don't say it's an MMORPG (they actually made up their own acronym). It's the clueless press and gamers that say it is one. If it wasn't for the skill system, I would probably get it. I don't have much gaming time, but it doesn't even deserve the name of RPG if you don't improve yourself over time. If I can't play much, then I'll simply have to do PvP against people of my level (and since everything is instanciated in one single world, where's the damn problem. Allow me to loose a few level if I want to play with someone at a lower level (City Of Hero and Everquest2 did it). I'd rather have 20 skills that can be used when I need them then 100 if I can only pick up 8 at a time. I sure as hell don't want to waste more time selecting the good skill combinaison (or lose competitive advantage) instead of playing the game.

bah I say, bah!
(I'll still try the demo when/if it comes out, I did have some fun in the E3 alpha last year)

Re: Well, I love the books,
Jan 8, 2005, 14:22
Re: Well, I love the books, Jan 8, 2005, 14:22
Jan 8, 2005, 14:22
It's probably going to make enough money to survive, since these game are made by much smaller team without having to please publisher's financial goal.
It's not like if I'm ever going to bother with it though...

Re: I have both games
Dec 17, 2004, 12:04
Re: I have both games Dec 17, 2004, 12:04
Dec 17, 2004, 12:04
It's one of the best game of 2003 along with the first KOTOR. Add POP:SoT to that list.

As far as I know, there may not be a patch for the english version (yes, there's a word outside the US that also got this version. Surprising, isn't it?) because it was released so long after the original german version that all bugs were fixed by then. The last patch for Gothic2 was out 15.03.03, the 'internationnal' version was out on 06-13-03. In other words, try to make up real complain next time... That lack of 'internationnal' for the expension pack was a let down though.

Can't wait for the third one.

Re: So... How is this?
Dec 15, 2004, 17:34
Re: So... How is this? Dec 15, 2004, 17:34
Dec 15, 2004, 17:34
The game is almost 4 years old, so I'm not expecting much in term of graphics, but since it's free, it's worth it to try it. Every time I tried it in the open beta, I never really had much fun though (but seeing as there isn't any other MMO worth my time around and I'm not going to pay for EQ2 unless I can try it first...).

Re: Steam Loading
Dec 14, 2004, 19:47
Re: Steam Loading Dec 14, 2004, 19:47
Dec 14, 2004, 19:47
most likely its a set of false IO operations (reading / writing blocks of data non-game-related while they piece together and send your encryption key through Steam). That way if you're running an ICE, or other IO sniffer, you'll see tons of data flying around and have no idea what is useful (hackable) from what's not. In other encryption things (pgp) it's called armor. "see asciiarmor".

I think it's uber cool and smart to use data 'armor' around the real encryption key. Way to go Valve, security and protection of your awesome game is worth my patience.
OK, let's set something straight right now. There's currently free version of HL2 around the WEB that allow you to play online on every legit server. And when a new patch comes up on steam, it's cracked by the time the update is posted on bluesnews. As a copy protection scheme, steam fails where simple CD-Key system suceed.

edit: all that without needing to use steam (except to create an account)

This comment was edited on Dec 14, 19:48.
Re: Tough one
Nov 30, 2004, 01:20
Re: Tough one Nov 30, 2004, 01:20
Nov 30, 2004, 01:20
He's right, it's exactly as if a movie theater went to Best Buy, bought a DVD, then played it on the big screen and charged $8 a person to see it. Fair? No, it's stealing. This is no different, and people that feel otherwise really need to stop and think about where the anger is coming from.
No it's not. It's exactly the same as if there would be some kind of store where I would pay for a TV with a wide collection of DVD for a limited amount of time. You are paying for the computer when you go in those cybercafé, not the games. Sure it's borderline, but Valve are a bunch of greedy fucks when other publishers almost give their game for free to cybercafé for the publicity it provides them.

Re: About cyber cafes licenses
Nov 29, 2004, 22:50
Re: About cyber cafes licenses Nov 29, 2004, 22:50
Nov 29, 2004, 22:50
Before all the fucking fanboys celebrate for Valve, I'll point out that this judgment means you, the consumer - the gamers, get screwed. Just thought I should point this out.
Yes America, you just got fucked all over again. Liked it?

aaaah, this is just flamebait

Re: It blows
Nov 23, 2004, 17:07
Re: It blows Nov 23, 2004, 17:07
Nov 23, 2004, 17:07
You can use the registration key from a retail copy of the game to download it off Steam, thus negating the necessity of a CD in the drive. Just like every game that Valve has ever released on Steam.
Even if you download the game off steam with a retail key, you'll still need the CD in the drive (or so I've read last week).
Anyway, I'm pretty sure the only people staem account that got closed this time were those that use the CD-Key that went around the internet last week. It has very little effect on piracy. And only one person got screwed, the original owner of that CD-Key.

Re: Stutter
Nov 23, 2004, 00:49
Re: Stutter Nov 23, 2004, 00:49
Nov 23, 2004, 00:49
While I do think that playing trough HL2 in 10 hours would be missing out on part of the game, I sure as hell I'm not going to tell Professional it's is fault if he doesn't like the game. Who the fuck do you think you all are to tell someone how they should have fun? Bunch of fucking dumbass. Why the fuck can't you agree not everyone thinks has you do?

I have yet to play much HL2 (lthough I kinda liked the little I played even if far from revolutionnarry or anything), after less then an hour in, I figured out I didn't understand what the fuck was happening, so I'm working my way trough the first game again. I'll probably finish it this time. However, I'm reading everywhere that the game last 15-20 hours (and less for some). Am I the only one that remember reading in some old preview that this was supposed to be a 30 hour long game? What the hell happened? Good thing I didn't pay for my version. And they didn't even bother to include real multiplayer.

Re: didn't have this problem
Nov 22, 2004, 20:34
Re: didn't have this problem Nov 22, 2004, 20:34
Nov 22, 2004, 20:34
If you don't like Half-Life 2 I don't think video games are your thing.
Good old "my taste are better then yours", how I missed you!

Re: Doesn't work
Nov 20, 2004, 00:47
Re: Doesn't work Nov 20, 2004, 00:47
Nov 20, 2004, 00:47
You wanted to avoid steam and have your "box, manuals, and drive to the store" experience. And you've got it. Now you whine about having to have the CD in the drive?
No they did not, the still have to use steam has much as any steam buyer. And hel yes they're gonna bitch. If you're stuck activating your copy for offline play, there's no damn reason you shouldn't be able to play it without you're CD in the tray.

Re: No subject
Nov 18, 2004, 17:10
Re: No subject Nov 18, 2004, 17:10
Nov 18, 2004, 17:10
Sort of, but what's to stop him from turning around and using his grav gun on you? Do you then both spin in mid-air until someone releases his gun? Suppose you could just grab someone with the grav gun and they couldn't retaliate, wouldn't that be overly powerful? You could just hold them forever, or walk them around and around and around and around and around ...
The grav gun should slowly electrocute the other player. Would make sense and prevent abuse. Maybe needing to 'lock' on the other player to make it harder tu use.

Re: No subject
Nov 16, 2004, 17:37
Re: No subject Nov 16, 2004, 17:37
Nov 16, 2004, 17:37
The point is; it was obvious this would happen. But before saying that steam does really suck, you'll have to wait a few days. If people still can't get to play the game within a week, then it's rioting time. In the mean time; "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!, I was right and I told you all!".

No subject
Nov 10, 2004, 22:20
No subject Nov 10, 2004, 22:20
Nov 10, 2004, 22:20
Looks at screenshot, bad start.
Well, let's see what this MMORPG has going for it :
Wish is the first Ultra Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (UMMORPG™). "Ultra" means that Wish supports more than 10,000 simultaneous players in a single, seamless world, without any zones or "shards".

Wish is also the first massively multi player online role playing game that truly tells a story, and lets player actions have lasting implications on the world. Our single-world approach allows Mutable Realms to employ a dedicated Live Story Team whose singular purpose is to keep the story moving forward, providing a fresh gaming experience for our users each time they play.
So wait, you're telling me the best you could do is even more people per server and you're trying to get me to believe that my action are going to have any effect, hell "lasting implications on the world". Yeah right...

Re: Potential problem...
Nov 9, 2004, 17:43
Re: Potential problem... Nov 9, 2004, 17:43
Nov 9, 2004, 17:43
No, Gandhi, be strong! Resist the bright green and the DOOM marine rip-off.

Honestly, I just don't get all the craze. Best console FPS, yes, but judging it from a PC gamer's perspective, it's still a mediocre game. I mean, really, is driving vehicles that fun? I don't even play ONS in UT2k4.

Ok, enough Halo2 bashing. Back to topic.
Yeah, because we all know there's been so much great PC FPS this year. Wait, Doom3 sucked. I couldn't be bothered to finish Farcry and there hasn't been any other major PC FPS released this year (or good one). Oh, and yes, driving vehicles _is_ that fun. Now, the first Halo did suck (the PC version anyway) and I hate controlling FPS with a gamepad as much as the next PC gamer, but that doesn't mean that Halo2 is a bad game or a DOOM rip-off (what the hell could make you think that?).

Re: comming soon...
Nov 5, 2004, 21:16
Re: comming soon... Nov 5, 2004, 21:16
Nov 5, 2004, 21:16
bah, you've got it easy. I bought an XBOX last week. Do you know how hard it is to play all the game I missed when I have about 10 hours of gaming time a week?

This comment was edited on Nov 5, 21:17.
Re: Free CD
Oct 28, 2004, 20:16
Re: Free CD Oct 28, 2004, 20:16
Oct 28, 2004, 20:16
There are specific town with NPC shops that are made for that though. You really haven't played GW if you only did the tutorial... You have to try atleast one coop mission and one PvP mission.

Re: WoW . .. just WoW
Oct 28, 2004, 16:12
Re: WoW . .. just WoW Oct 28, 2004, 16:12
Oct 28, 2004, 16:12
Counter-Strike meets RPGs? Now this I gotta hear... how is Guild Wars like Counter-Strike meets RPGs? And how is doing missions and grouping with people different from WoW and other MMORPGs? I fail to see much distinction with your comparison at all.
I don't get the CS reference either (maybe if you play some of the PvP mission), but when I finish a quest in GW, I feel like I've actually accomplished something. When I've finished a quest in WoW, I've been waiting for 20 minutes for a monster to spawn and kill him before anyone else does or I did one of those kill 10 mobs XX quest. I never accomplish anything or get interesting rewards. However, GW is not an MMORPG. But that might just be one of it's strong point...

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