You all need to realize that idsoftware is singularly responsible for the explosion of 3d graphics accelerators. Before GLQUAKE no one had a need of one. That coupled with the superaddictive gameplay of deathmatch, capture the flag, headhunter etc. the replay value of the game increased exponentially. We owe all we have now to them. Take into account the games based on versions of the Quake engine: Quake and expansion packs and MODS, Quake2 packs and MODS, Kingpin, Sin, Halflife and mods (Counterstrike), Quake 3 Arena and MODS. Alice, FAKK2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor:Allied Assault. Then add the imitators Unreal and MODS, Unreal Tournament and Mods; Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight2, Redneck Rampage, Duke Nukem 3D, Serious Sam and MODS/Packs...etc. None of these would exist if the developers at id had not laid the groundwork and paved the way for all the rest. We all need to recognize id's contributions and remember them with the appropiate reverence. Bless you John Carmack and crew.
/end rant
This comment was edited on Aug 30, 22:00.