Well, finally read through this entire thread (Whew! You guys do this on a daily basis?!) and seeing at least one person was under 20, I decide I'd chip in. I'm 17, enjoy wine (type is fairly irrelevant, though I adore passionfruit and similar tropical/fruit wines), FPSs, thinking about having sex eventually, RPGs, and have yet to see Kill Bill Vol 1, though I've heard from friends that it was good. To tell you the truth, beer doesn't do much for me (maybe because I don't drink all that often or to get drunk?). I'm European, so I've been raised on wine you might say

Anyways, I hope to post more regularly, if I find time in the morning before school or after. Cheers! *raises his wine glass*
ps: I spent some time posting in the GameSpy forums a while back, and holy shit, talk about a bunch of "r337" kids.

Perhaps this will help me forget.
pps: I've been a regular reader of everything Blue for a few years now, but have only posted on a few things that got a violent reaction from me
"There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary logic, and those who don't." -DunnoWho
-Religion is for the weak.