User information for Cliff 'robo_b' Earl

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Cliff 'robo_b' Earl
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Signed On
June 2, 2002
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19 (Suspect)
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19 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: No subject
Jul 1, 2004, 09:18
Re: No subject Jul 1, 2004, 09:18
Jul 1, 2004, 09:18
Bucky.. I'd say CarBall is worth the download. Sure I'd say that because I am the creator of CarBall but it has servers, is a relativly small download, and is a lot of fun

Anyone else constantly have deja vu when they see ANOTHER version of Carball posted...
Heh, well I tried to wait but I had a new version ready

modding is for chumps.
Well yep I sure am a huge big chump then

Thanks Ghandi

Re: Its like I've been sayin'
Jun 18, 2004, 17:26
Re: Its like I've been sayin' Jun 18, 2004, 17:26
Jun 18, 2004, 17:26
If you mean that after playing some mods, you can no longer connect to other gametypes, then that's a bug that the mod authors need to address. I had that problem with an earlier version of CarBall and found a code snipit on the wiki for fixing that

What I described was just how to install a UMod file if the assiociation for umod's got broken somehow.

Re: Its like I've been sayin'
Jun 18, 2004, 01:46
Re: Its like I've been sayin' Jun 18, 2004, 01:46
Jun 18, 2004, 01:46
Firstly, there's only ONE person developing CarBall, me. There are no other people on the development team

If you are having problems installing UMod files because you have a warez copy, or if UT2004 messed up the association on installing, try this..

-Copy the umod file to your UT2004\System folder.
-Open a DOS command prompt and CD to the UT2004\System folder.
- type the following command..

Setup install <filename>

That should install the UMod

Re: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Jun 12, 2004, 07:19
Re: Is it hot in here or is it just you? Jun 12, 2004, 07:19
Jun 12, 2004, 07:19
There's a bug in the UT2004 serverbrowse code which causes the "cannot connect" problem. I found out about this and applied the fix code that was published on the unreal wiki in CarBall Version 1.4. It's quite possible another mod you have installed has not applied any code to fix this issue

I'm currently attempting to add bot support to CarBall. That's going to take a while so no new releases for a bit

I have got a few other cool little enhancements ready to go so you never know when I might get withdrawl symptoms and release another version

Hahah. Your song rocks! The last line didn't make much sense though. Turn that into a wavfile and I'll include it in a map with cheerleaders singing it over and over whilst jiggling their (.)(.)'s

Re: CarBall CarBall CarBall CarBall
Jun 8, 2004, 16:05
Re: CarBall CarBall CarBall CarBall Jun 8, 2004, 16:05
Jun 8, 2004, 16:05
Hold onto your panties girls, Version 1.8 is only a day or two away

Re: No subject
Jun 3, 2004, 03:04
Re: No subject Jun 3, 2004, 03:04
Jun 3, 2004, 03:04
Interesting mod. But I will wait to download it after I hear that the team will no longer be supporting it That way I will know for sure that I won't have to download daily updates

Incorrect. Please do not post rumors about my mod thanks very much. CarBall is still in development and is developed by ME. If you want to refer to ME as a 1man modteam go ahead :). If you read something on the CarBall website then feel free to tell whomever you want. Don't believe what some random guy tells you

Next release is set for Monday 7th June 2004 for those who want some kind of schedule. After Version 1.7 I'm planning on taking your suggestions (whining) into consideration and releasing once per month

Re: No subject
Jun 2, 2004, 11:54
Re: No subject Jun 2, 2004, 11:54
Jun 2, 2004, 11:54
I suppose it's a bit of both eh?

I will be releasing less frequently for the time being. Adding bot support is going to take some time

No subject
Jun 2, 2004, 09:20
No subject Jun 2, 2004, 09:20
Jun 2, 2004, 09:20
Hahaha. Thanks for your encouragements guys. I'll try to slowdown my release schedule

I dunno is it just me or if somebody finds a bug, or the community want a neat feature implemented, wouldn't you want that kind of quickly?

Ultimatly it's my mod and if somebody doesn't like new things added and issues addressed on a regular basis then that's their problem

I'm enjoying making CarBall, it's a great learning experience

No subject
Sep 24, 2002, 06:32
No subject Sep 24, 2002, 06:32
Sep 24, 2002, 06:32
Played my first few games of UT today in a while. I found myself constantly trying to doublejump onto ledges, Strafejump all over and generally just felt out of place LOL.

I like UT2k3, it's allready assimilated me =P

Roll on the damn editor already!

No subject
Sep 22, 2002, 02:59
No subject Sep 22, 2002, 02:59
Sep 22, 2002, 02:59
Yep, there's a load of ideas out there already about mods to change the gameplay a lot. That's great! You'll most likely want to learn some UScript though since there are so many ideas as opposed to UScript wizards heheh.

RF added a lot of depth with destroyable terrain, I would have also liked to see that included. However this would require heavy modification of the actual engine and I'm sure just plain impossible through UScript.

No subject
Sep 21, 2002, 03:11
No subject Sep 21, 2002, 03:11
Sep 21, 2002, 03:11
Well anyone who thinks they cut&pasted the code and just made it lok a little better I say open the console ingame and type "STAT RENDER" and count up the triangles. If this is rehashed old code then my hat goes off to DE/Epic, they have an engine that can push more polys than any other engine to date (and with a average/good/great (depending on system) framerate).

In my mind this game is more about the engine. This engine rocks and is going to be around a long time. Add to this that DE/Epic are supplying the community a massive amount of information and tools to modify the game it all just excites me terribly ^_^

When you start comparing games you fall into a bit if a trap. I guess I'm a mouse at heart so I'll go for the cheese =P

NOLF vs NOLF2. Sure it recaptures the original game but from what I witnessed it was like now you are going to pay us money for more if the same with a few improvements and maybe a few new weapons.

UT Classic vs UT2003. 2K3 is very different. The weapons have changed a lot and so has the general feel and gameplay. I like the changes (I guess I got a few minor gripes but mostly it's sweet).

Sharpei Diem:
Online I must admit I'm a spamaholic. I play on modem and the only way (with the current netcode) to kill anything is to spam all over where and near the enemy is. Offline with the bots I don't spam very much at all because the bots are where I am expecting them to be. I think a lot of others spam for the same reason (not that I'm trying to condone spamming LOL).

No subject
Sep 20, 2002, 22:38
No subject Sep 20, 2002, 22:38
Sep 20, 2002, 22:38
Well after reading all this I believe there's a great number of people that are of the opinion that UT2003 is all about spam and no skill.

I'm really looking forward then to these people banding together and making a very nice skill based mod for the "hardcore" gamers.

I'll be learning UScript for the new engine and I'm already quite proficient at mapping ( I'll be happy to help on any mod that the people feel will bring the skill factor back to the UT universe =)

Re: No subject
Sep 18, 2002, 09:39
Re: No subject Sep 18, 2002, 09:39
Sep 18, 2002, 09:39
Heh, ok the water doesn't look too bad. I run everything at 800x600 32-bit color and got an xp1800, 512mb ram, and gf4 ti4200.

About those doors mate, I don't play those games you mentioned. SOFII was really bad here a door, there a door, everywhere a damn non opening door door (LOL). GTA3 was even worse, that huge city and you could go into like 2 buildings. Sheesh. I'm really glad that I take the time to download these demos (by 5.6k modem) before commiting hard cash to something.

Anyways, plz forgive me I meant no offense. I'm just a fussy old gamer heheheh =P

No subject
Sep 18, 2002, 03:06
No subject Sep 18, 2002, 03:06
Sep 18, 2002, 03:06
Personally I wasn't impressed. At first the graphics looked quite good but then became very bland. There's way too many doors and buildings that can't be entered which leaves me feeling like I'm just a mouse hunting for some cheese in a maze =(

I really couldn't like this game. I played it right through but just found it cumbersome.

Jun 14, 2002, 02:00
hmm Jun 14, 2002, 02:00
Jun 14, 2002, 02:00
In real life warfare, sniping is all about the camping guys. I got nothing against players who camp with a sniper rifle. It's the ones who camp and snipe the spawnpoints that rub me the wrong way heheheh. Anyways, there's not a lot more satisfying than walking (that's walking or crouching) up to a sniper and telefragging them ^_^

#83, whoop whoop, moron alert! The last build I saw mentioned somewhere was I think 935-945 so this leaked build is way way old. Hopefully by now the majority have learned how old it is. Some like yourself just remain totally ignorant =P

Piracy aye? yar arrrr. Well I download a few things but like a lot of other people I only really download stuff that doesn't have a demo version. I always buy good games, otherwise companies wouldn't be able to make more good games heheh. Next week I'll have enough to pre-order NeverWinter Nights. I'm going to go out on a limb and forgoe the demo/warez download/test and buy that slick puppy straight away ^_^

Muzak I don't download at all. I don;t buy muzak either. I have my collection of CD's and really nowdays just about everything is just so homoginized it's like listening to the exact same song all day, every day. Just my opinion in the sad state of the muzak industry.

Re: No subject
Jun 13, 2002, 00:18
Re: No subject Jun 13, 2002, 00:18
Jun 13, 2002, 00:18
#59, the moron of the day award goes to you =P

If you use your eyes and actually examine the terrain for example the polycount is prolly more just for the terrain than the Q3 engine uses for entire maps hyuk hyuk hyuk

LOL@ the UT fan who now hates the series. Once the real demo comes out he/she/it will be a fan once again ROFL.

No subject
Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
No subject Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
Jun 12, 2002, 10:41
Anybody who looks at this leaked beta and doesn't realize how old it is is just stupid. I have seen it running on a mates big PC and you can tell almost instantly that it's a very much WIP version.

It would have been good if Mark Rein had mentioned in his post just what the latest build revision is which I think would give people a better idea how old the leaked one is.

Personally.. although it's very very rough, I don't think this will hurt UT2K3 at all. This is just going to make some people all the more anxious to get the real deal demo.

/me wonders if DE will include a demo editor in the UT2K3 demo =)

Re: No subject
Jun 4, 2002, 00:00
Re: No subject Jun 4, 2002, 00:00
Jun 4, 2002, 00:00
#85, DNF will hopefully be a good game though since it uses the Unreal engine you sound like a moron, which I am guessing you are anyway =P

I too quite like the realtime aspect of mapping in Doom3, sounds pretty good. Though I am still in love with that beast UEd =)

Re: You guys are all PC fanboys
Jun 2, 2002, 12:54
Re: You guys are all PC fanboys Jun 2, 2002, 12:54
Jun 2, 2002, 12:54
Both engines look very nice. I think overall maybe the iD engine will be better as it's got more realworld style lighting. Not to knock the Unreal engine though. I have been making UT maps for about 2 years now and I like the engine and the editor.

I'm looking forward to both games and engines. It's just a pity that the evil software corps are now in league with the evil hware corps and making us upgrade our pc's with ever increasing powerful hardware every darn 6 months. God, some of us aren't rich =)

Well it's nearly bedtime but I'm going to spam the hell out of you guys now hehehe. Been LANning all weekend and we played a lot of UT and Q3A. Personally I prefer UT but Q3A does run so damn fast =)

#54, dude, have you ever made maps for UT? While the AI is pretty good it leaves a lot to be desired. bots in Ut can be VERY stupid. I'm really thankful that they have written entirely new AI code, pity that the netcode is just a rehash though =(

#51, Amen brother. I have had to make a UTCD folder on my Hd to save my CD's getting too damaged from over reinstallation. My 2nd CD has a nasty scratch though and I can no longer copy the Starship.utx compressed textures from it. Bwahhh =(

#44, well I don't know all the facts (I never will) but personally I find the UnrealEditor much more freindly and easy to use (when it's not crashing heheheh). I tried the Q3 editing tools but found them a bit akward. Still, it's all about personal taste eh? =)

#42, you sir are a total moron. I just had to read all the posts here to see your most stupid post. god mate, go and read at least one bloody preview, all of which clearly state that UT2003 uses the Unreal engine =P

#38, sir, have you ever heard of download managers? they can be handy for modem leecherers (like myself) that often get disconnected from servers and must "resume" leechering from where they left off =)

#21, oh no. there's actually the Unreal engine and the Unreal Warfare engine. Warfare doesn't get mentioned much anymore since there was a LOT of confusion when it was announced and there still is today. I think it's not very bright of people to not realize that the Unreal engine is the Unreal engine and the Quake engine is the Quake engine. It would really be cool though to just have them called Epic engine and iD engine as nobody ever seems to be confused with Lithtech's Lithtech engine =P

#19, I agree with you. Get rid of Mark Rein or at least edumacate him in the ways of real PR spin. It's a constant stream of "Well err gosh, I dunno, I'm not a technical guy you know?" well a good PR man is in touch with all the people in the team. It's his job to inform and dazzle the public with his spin. Get with the program Mark =P

#15, I concur. I would have thought Epic/DE would have really picked up on the fact that OpenGL rocks! I guess though it's easy to follow the m$ path tho =(

#11, oh god. People like yourself have no right even owning a computer =P

This comment was edited on Jun 2, 12:58.
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