I pretty much agree with what Creston wrote 2 posts below. He brings up a good point that I think others forget too often. The reason that consoles are so popular, and will continue to grow popular is because they are *EASY* to use.
Die-hard pc gamers, while definitely a growing segment, are no where near the amount of console gamers. The fact is, it's much easier for your average semi-tech saavy guy to go and get a console, play sports games, platformers, adventure games, rpg's, etc. online/offline out of the box, then have to fuck with drivers, bios settings, tweaking a game, etc. to be content with it (or chances are - they probably will be content with it as is and not get the full benefit of tweaking it like some others will).
This applies to anyone really that doesn't want to muck with the box. Consoles will always have this advantage over the PC, unless we unify how PC's are assembled (and we know how well that worked for Apple).
It amazes me that people get so pissed off about consoles. Can I ask Why? What pisses you off specifically? I can understand being pissed at developers who 'consolize' a game that goes to PC. But really, what pisses you off so bad that you have to bad mouth people that are defending essentially the same shit you are defending - a console.
Instead of drawing this arbitrary line of PC versus console, just assume that the PC is another console, just like the xbox, just like the PS2. Sure - it doesn't use the tv *gasp*, but the principals are the same when it comes to games. Just like the xbox, ps2, or any other system, it has it's own set of pros and cons. PC isn't the 'king', nor is any specific console. Sheesh.
If you don't like the xbox360 for what you perceive to be it's cons, then don't play it. Just like others will avoid the PC for its own set of cons...
This comment was edited on May 13, 15:16.