I love how everyone denounces GameSpy and FilePlanet. They're a COMPANY and a COMPANY is out to make MONEY to SURVIVE. And you're trying to tell me that if any of the sites that signed that "petition" or the "whine-fest" if you will, had a chance to have an exclusive demo, they wouldn't take it? Give me a break.
The only thing this has done to my view on things, is show how jealous, ignorant, and selfish those sites are. I've lost a lot of respect for them, and I'm happy they got a demo the cheap way. Everyone's cheering that they fought for the people - they didn't. They're fighting so they get traffic to their website, and FilePlanet doesn't take in as much. Did you forget that they're COMPANIES? Don't miss that minor detail.
As for the FilePlanet subscription, I've had it for two years and love it. Don't denounce it until you try it.
your retarted. A lot of the video gamers I know (and trust me, i know a lot) have a hard enough time finding money to buy fucking games, let alone subscriptions to websites.
you people who have fileplanet subscriptions see it as just a a deal between 2 companys. but to everyone else, its bull shit.
I am 100% sure that if you didnt have a FP sub, you'd be here with us kicking up a storm to