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616 Comments. 31 pages. Viewing page 17.
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Feb 24, 2004, 11:00
Dam Feb 24, 2004, 11:00
Feb 24, 2004, 11:00
Thats to bad, I would have liked to see another MMO like UO (early days of it anyways) come out and they probably would have done it best. RIP Origin. Was fun

This comment was edited on Feb 24, 11:05.
Re: Onslaught
Feb 24, 2004, 09:12
Re: Onslaught Feb 24, 2004, 09:12
Feb 24, 2004, 09:12
I think he was asking "why," not "how."

Ahh, I was being sarcastic there Gandhi, sorry you missed that %). I'm not going to waste my time explaining to someone why I'm going to buy a game I like and they obviously don't. And as far as not buying PK, then don't, I really don't care :). I may buy UT2K4 someday myself, don't know yet, but it won't be for quite a while, if ever. But I certainly hope you enjoy yourself doing so, UT2K4 is worth the money if you don't already own UT2K3 (like I already told you). Whatever, to each their own, so just enjoy.

This comment was edited on Feb 24, 09:20.
Re: Gah
Feb 23, 2004, 22:24
Re: Gah Feb 23, 2004, 22:24
Feb 23, 2004, 22:24
Yes, everything nin said and more. It's oldschool and in hind sight the graphics (yucky blocky pixels) and level design of quake and doom sucked.. but the atmosphere, the noises, the music, the intensity was just great and it sucked you in. Hell, I don't need great graphics to have a game draw me in, I look at pics of Pitfall from the Atari days and say "What the fuck?" to myself. Or even the game Berserk on Atari, it was a big orange blob bouncing around the screen but it freaked me out when I played it. Doom 2 constantly scared the christ out of me and it was as mindless as it gets. Diablo wasn't even a graphics extravaganza, but the music, darkly lit dungeons hid what was around the corner and I couldn't get enough. Go into a nice DARK room, crank up your sound card to 10 and play Painkiller and enjoy..

Re: Onslaught
Feb 23, 2004, 19:52
Re: Onslaught Feb 23, 2004, 19:52
Feb 23, 2004, 19:52
But you're buying Painkiller?
Explain that to me...

Explain it to you... ok. Well first, I'm going to drive to the store... you got me so far? Then I'll go into the store and grab the box that says Painkiller on it.. still with me? Ok, then I'll bring it to the check-out counter and give the cashier my bank card and say "Credit Please". Hopefully you can understand all this so far. I'll sign my name on the reciept and head back to my car.. can you hear me now? Good. Then I'll probably drive home seeing as how I'll probably be wanting to play my newly purchased game. Wake up, the best part is coming up. When I finally get back home I'll install Painkiller and play it.. yippie, horray! I hope you could follow this explanation as to how I'd buy Painkiller.

Feb 23, 2004, 10:56
Wow!! Feb 23, 2004, 10:56
Feb 23, 2004, 10:56
Oh,Oh,Oh!! I wanna be Will Smith's character! I wanna be Will Smith's character! This is gonna KICK ASS!! wOoT!!

Re: heh
Feb 23, 2004, 10:32
Re: heh Feb 23, 2004, 10:32
Feb 23, 2004, 10:32
Excuse me. You missed the point of my exaggeration; it was to demonstrate the wrongness of Lokust's opinion. I can read the press release as clearly as most, and yes, it does say "one of," not "the." I was disproving the idea that it says "best game evar." Context, please.

LOL, I thought that would get your goat, was just having fun dude, don't be hating


Re: Onslaught
Feb 22, 2004, 20:26
Re: Onslaught Feb 22, 2004, 20:26
Feb 22, 2004, 20:26
I find the mind sets between the sports gaming community and the FPS community interesting. Each year, EA pushes out games based on the NFL, NHL, NBA, etc and people buy them right up. But the shooter community expects a certain amount of added content and improvements before they'll buy it.

Thats easy nin, the sports gaming community buys Madden 200x (or whatever) every year because they want to simulate a season by 'becoming' their favorite sports star and taking their beloved team to the Championship. It's just not action but real life simulation. EA pretty much has to come out with a new game every year because new stars are recruited and added to rosters. Is it fair that they recharge $55 every year for some handful of new players? Well, that is certainly debateable but their media (no HDD or patching capabilites) does not compare to the PC's flexibility as far as expansions and or patches. UT2Kx has no memorable characters or 'real life' draw, UT is just a bunch of skins with f'ed up names running around pummeling each other with sci-fi projectile weapons. I don't think EPIC is "getting it" as to why EA Sports fans repurchase the Madden Football games or what have you every year, it's not even remotely comparable. EPIC should release a game maybe every other year and add some innovation to it instead of copying other dev houses. Do I expect all FPS's to be different? No, but they should a least make some attempt to stand apart not only from their previous showing but to externals as well. If EPIC wants to do a yearly release then it should be in an expansion format.

Re: Onslaught
Feb 22, 2004, 19:41
Re: Onslaught Feb 22, 2004, 19:41
Feb 22, 2004, 19:41
You're shooting yourself in the foot because the two games are wholly dissimiliar.

Naw, it's more about economics and not being rich. You see, I bought UT2K3 (and enjoyed it somewhat) for ~$40 and played the Assault Mode that some talented MOD team made on EPICs lazy behalf. So really, the only thing new to me with this UT2K4 release is Onslaught, and while it is fun, to me it simply is not worth $40.. or even $30... maybe $15 though. So it may be a while till it hits that bargin price, but by then, god willing, Tribes Vengence, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 will be out and Painkiller and NWN: Hordes will fill the void till then. I can only buy so many games a year and I'm not going to buy a game twice.

Re: heh
Feb 22, 2004, 19:17
Re: heh Feb 22, 2004, 19:17
Feb 22, 2004, 19:17
It says "We have 1.5 million downloads--most downloaded demo evar!"

No it doesn't, it's says "one of the most popular game demo downloads of all time". As in, not the most downloaded evar.

Re: heh
Feb 20, 2004, 17:10
Re: heh Feb 20, 2004, 17:10
Feb 20, 2004, 17:10
This whole spin that they are trying to put onto it that a high number of downloads = the game kick ass is just silly

On top of the fact that they have to offer $1 million to attract MOD Teams = Desperation.

Re: 2004: Crowded FPS Field
Feb 20, 2004, 15:57
Re: 2004: Crowded FPS Field Feb 20, 2004, 15:57
Feb 20, 2004, 15:57
Far Cry and Painkiller releases are just around the corner.

Yeah, Painkiller put the final nail in the coffin with my decision to not even bother with UT2K4 any longer. I'll admit I'm one of the 1.5 million people thristy for a fun FPS game, so thisty in fact UT2K4 crossed my mind until I played the PK Demo. But now I see that a lot of 'potentially great' FPS games will be coming out very shortly after UT2K4 so I can definetly wait now.

Feb 20, 2004, 15:12
Best? Feb 20, 2004, 15:12
Feb 20, 2004, 15:12
Well, considering they have virtually ZERO competition from the big name Dev houses right now and the FPS genre has been boring as shit the last couple years, people are dying for something fun to play. It doesn't surprise me that the Demo was d/l'ed a ton of times but I don't think it means they (EPIC and UT2K4) are so great. I'm already bored with the demo personally. If 1.5 million people were lost in the desert and EPIC came walking out with a bucket of water I'm sure they would be very popular... cause thats pretty much the jist of what this is... people thirsty for a fun game and EPIC is lucky enough to have beat the other big name studios to the punch. If HL2 and or D3 release a demo this number will be peanuts. Blah...

Re: DNF Story
Feb 20, 2004, 12:51
Re: DNF Story Feb 20, 2004, 12:51
Feb 20, 2004, 12:51
Whew.. thanks for letting me know. I had to question my sanity there for a bit

DNF Story
Feb 20, 2004, 12:43
DNF Story Feb 20, 2004, 12:43
Feb 20, 2004, 12:43
I know I'm getting old and stuff, and my memory isn't quite what it used to be, but I thought I saw a DNF update story on Blues for today 2/20/04 and now I can't see it anywhere... was it taken down??

Re: Nice game...
Feb 20, 2004, 09:33
Re: Nice game... Feb 20, 2004, 09:33
Feb 20, 2004, 09:33
Still kind of in the middle with this one

Thats why they 'should' release the MP Demo before going gold instead of after. Like you, most of my friends said they liked the SP Demo but were waiting to try out MP before buying. I think they would attrack a lot of the people who are 'on the fence' if they showed that the MP kicked ass. I want to play the SP portion of the game but I also want to have some fun LAN gaming with my friends so if the MP sucks then I will have to wait for a PK price drop for $40 to at least $30. I think they are making a mistake by not releasing a MP demo a week or two before gold status.

Re: No subject
Feb 19, 2004, 20:04
Re: No subject Feb 19, 2004, 20:04
Feb 19, 2004, 20:04
Sure Its fun to blow stuff up for a few minutes but it gets old fast.

As opposed to what other action oriented FPS games that don't have you blow stuff up? I could say that about almost every (action) FPS game thats out right now. So I can assume you don't like UT2Kx, HL 1/2, and Doom 1/2/3 because they have you blow stuff up? If thats the case then why did you even waste your time d/l'ing the demo? Really, I just don't get it. I'm not defending PK by any means, but your gripe is more oriented to all action oriented FPS games, kind of pointless.

Feb 19, 2004, 11:08
KROM!!! Feb 19, 2004, 11:08
Feb 19, 2004, 11:08

MP Demo
Feb 18, 2004, 15:04
MP Demo Feb 18, 2004, 15:04
Feb 18, 2004, 15:04
Has anyone heard of any plans to release a MP Demo to the public anytime soon for this work of art?

From the official forums I guess the MP Demo will come out AFTER it is released in April. Can't say I agree with that but's it's their game. I still want to play the SP portion of the game anyways.

This comment was edited on Feb 18, 16:21.
Re: No subject
Feb 18, 2004, 14:24
Re: No subject Feb 18, 2004, 14:24
Feb 18, 2004, 14:24

Here is the official T:V site -

From that site:

Powered by an enhanced Unreal™ engine, stunning visuals take you into a never before seen chapter of TRIBES history.

Re: No subject
Feb 18, 2004, 13:26
Re: No subject Feb 18, 2004, 13:26
Feb 18, 2004, 13:26
And develope jetpacks for onslaught mode - some interesting strategy twists there if done right. Not everone ones to jump into a flying vehicle in order to travers a whole map, you know

Sounds to me like you should just wait for Tribes: Vengence, as thats the game you describe above. You were able to skip over UT2K3 (which this, UT2K4, is a simple vehicle expansion of) so why not wait another 5 months or so.

I just played the SP demo for Painkiller (kicks ass) last night, that game will hold me over till HL2, Doom 3, SW: Battlefront and Tribes: Vengence comes out.

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