User information for Mackey McCandlish

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Mackey McCandlish
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Level designer on Medal of Honor


Signed On
January 25, 2002
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12 (Suspect)
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12 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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No subject
May 2, 2006, 20:32
No subject May 2, 2006, 20:32
May 2, 2006, 20:32
If the video game industry was unionized, the average employee would make more (until everything gets shipped oversees like movies these days), and the great developers would get paid less. Look at how terrible the movie industry is: Everybody doing the same job makes the same amount of money, even though obviously all people are not created equal in skill. That is rediculous. If you kick ass at what you do, you deserve to be paid more.

Re: Seriously.
Sep 22, 2005, 13:52
Re: Seriously. Sep 22, 2005, 13:52
Sep 22, 2005, 13:52
Check out the last 2 levels! I wish I could remember their names so you could skip to them.

Re: No subject
Sep 3, 2004, 20:05
Re: No subject Sep 3, 2004, 20:05
Sep 3, 2004, 20:05
Not scripted? I looked at the scripts. It's about as scripted as you can get. It's about on par with a MoH:AA or CoD "movie" level like DDAY or Stalingrad, which seems like an odd choice for a demo level given that the MoH:AA and CoD demos were all "normal" gameplay levels.

Definitely flies in the face of their "unscripted" claims. Load up MOHPA_demo_section01.scr and see for yourself. Here are some excerpts:

//Camp is dead start the timer for the next camp battle to spawn
wait 10

if( local.trigger != NIL && local.trigger != NULL )
//Trigger the camp attack. This is safe because the trigger is monitored in a thread that can only happen one time.
trigger local.trigger


// Wait for their to be only two guys left, then wait n seconds and start the pilot gag.


// This turns on a trigger for the squad to rally outside the building

// The first plane is destroyed when the player walks out the door

The thing that is kind of boggling is that so much of the "logic" for the level is in the script for that level, like level specific script for each plane and each pilot, which makes it a lot less surprising that it's taken 85 people three years to make 25 levels.

Re: Cool
Apr 12, 2004, 04:54
Re: Cool Apr 12, 2004, 04:54
Apr 12, 2004, 04:54
I don't give a damn how good it is, i'd rather play 40 hours of crap than 1 hour of the best game ever; after 40 hours I can at least feel fulfilled.

Hahaha, too funny.

We try to make games with a cinematic flair and a much higher quality per minute value than average. Assuming you skip multiplayer, the cost of the game is similar per minute as that of a movie. Now you could go watch a cruddy 40 hour movie but I'd rather spend an hour or two watching the best movie of all time.

We could easily double the game length by removing the compass and spending development time adding instead of polishing, but I guarentee you the resulting game would rate several points less on

Re: much ado about nothing....
Aug 29, 2003, 23:06
Re: much ado about nothing.... Aug 29, 2003, 23:06
Aug 29, 2003, 23:06
Wrong, it'll have multiplayer.

Re: No subject
Feb 13, 2003, 03:40
Re: No subject Feb 13, 2003, 03:40
Feb 13, 2003, 03:40
Blizzard is respected for their products and expansions because they're much higher quality than almost anything else on the PC market. Warcraft3 is adding (for each race) 1 new hero, 2+ new units, new abilities, new buildings that sell race specific items, and new maps. There will also be 5 new neutral heroes available as well as other new neutral shops, and a new single player campaign with new CG of typical Blizzard quality.

It will also have a decent 5000+ player beta for gameplay balancing.

That's a hell of a lot for an expansion pack. Most expansion packs are just new levels, rather than new gameplay and strategies.

Blizzard is probably the worst case you could pick as an example of poor PC development.

Can't run Q3 1.32
Nov 10, 2002, 06:24
Can't run Q3 1.32 Nov 10, 2002, 06:24
Nov 10, 2002, 06:24
Whenever I try to play q3 1.32 the game crashes after about 2 minutes tops.

Sucks! Anybody know what to do? I tried reinstalling, didn't help. I've never had a problem with Q3 prior to this.

Incorrect news item.
Feb 12, 2002, 11:40
Incorrect news item. Feb 12, 2002, 11:40
Feb 12, 2002, 11:40
The fog of war has not been removed.. just the "shroud" of undiscovered territory. Huge difference.

Re: No subject
Feb 7, 2002, 13:12
Re: No subject Feb 7, 2002, 13:12
Feb 7, 2002, 13:12
I was not clarifying the news post, I was clarifying the contents of the interview.

No subject
Feb 7, 2002, 11:30
No subject Feb 7, 2002, 11:30
Feb 7, 2002, 11:30
To clarify, since the interview doesn't, Matt Hall is the art director of the Medal of Honor franchise. He was not art directory of Medal of Honor Allied Assault (nor was he ever in Tulsa, where Allied Assault was made, to my knowledge). The most notable actual art he did for Allied Assault was the "mission failure" screen.

Re: Internet connection for single play?
Jan 26, 2002, 00:54
Re: Internet connection for single play? Jan 26, 2002, 00:54
Jan 26, 2002, 00:54
There's a big difference between needing a 100mb patch to play, and being offered a 15mb patch that has cool new stuff like an in game server browser.

The most significant problem with MOH out of the box was that chetas were accidentally enabled in the final build, but that really only effects internet play (and on the internet, you have easy access to the patch, so it's all kind of moot).

Jan 25, 2002, 12:51
Audigy Jan 25, 2002, 12:51
Jan 25, 2002, 12:51
Several people around the office use the Audigy and I've never heard them make mention of any problem with MOH.

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