Bucky wrote on Mar 15, 2012, 10:54:Frijoles wrote on Mar 15, 2012, 10:46:nin wrote on Mar 15, 2012, 10:07:
Yeaa!!!!! My amazon preorder is still locked, it looks like.
If you pre-order with Amazon before they show the same-day shipping, does it switch over to that? I've been thinking about pre-ordering it for a while, but not if they're going to deliver it a week late.
You can change the delivery options, though it still does not show release day delivery. My guess would be that because Amazon doesn't yet have the release date in their system the option is not available.
Two more months. Happy that we've got a date, sad that I've gotta wait until May.
nin wrote on Aug 24, 2011, 20:20:He probably got the bad news months ago, hence his most recent medical leave. Liver cancer (or most cancers for that matter) is not something you can live through for long.
I'm not a fan of Steve, but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. The fact that he's stepped aside makes me wonder if he got bad news...
Tumbler wrote on Aug 18, 2011, 17:27:Doesn't matter what type of phone you have with AT&T, they are changing the texting rates across the board. Course if you have an iPhone or some other smartphone, better to use Google Voice for texting.
$20 for unlimited texting? Well I mean, it's on an iphone...so that's fair...right? The iphone is worth it, it's an iphone. Who cares what it costs, it's an IPHONE!!!!
Creston wrote on Jul 5, 2011, 16:19:In terms of failing cases, I assume you mean actually suffer consequences? That would be interesting, but wonder how that could be implemented. The rank (experience) system is pretty pointless / useless, but they could beef it up and make it affect gameplay.Vulkan wrote on Jul 5, 2011, 14:09:
Perhaps if Rockstar do acquire to rights, they'll be able to turn out something special for the sequel.
More of the same with a little less help in the cases (and being able to actually FAIL them,) and an open world that has more to do in it would pretty much be a perfect LA Noire for me.
KilrathiAce wrote on Jun 15, 2011, 16:58:
Sell content from within itself rule is weird because games that used gfwl but were sold on steam such as dow2, they allowed content to be sold from within game yet they were never pulled from steam.