I'm starting to feel as if this expansion isn't quite as good as it could have been. I loved the original and the first add-on though it took some getting use to. I mostly play skirmish mode and some multi-player. Hardly played the campaigns but what I did play was a hell of a lot longer than Tiger Ace.
This expansion adds about ten or twelve new vehicles to skirmish mode but those are scattered through out the four armies. I also played through the Tiger Aces campaign so fast I couldn't believe it was over so quickly. There are two more but I'd bet they're just as brief.
I haven't played any of the new multi-player modes yet nor have I figured out how many new maps where added though it doesn't appear to be very many. Oh, well. I guess it's par for the course lately. Always being let down by what's being released on PC lately.
Has anyone else bought it and felt the same?
This comment was edited on Apr 9, 2009, 19:00.