"I've been wishing for a decent game with a believably written gay protagonist for years"What, you didn't play Half-Life?
All joking aside. It's a dead horse in my opinion. Yes, there will always be racism. It's human nature. But it's amazing what a little education can over-come when the student is open minded. I think most people are intelligent enough to judge by means other than skin color. I don't hate one race more than another... when it comes to idiots I'm an equal opportunity hater.
What drivers me nutts is being told a certain group is a minority when they are actually a majority where I live. How the fuck does that work?
What is even more crazy is being accused of racism by some idiot who is so stupid (and racist) that he/she doesn't even know they are the racist. It's like taking reverse racism to all time highs.
I know... it just doesn't pay to question the thought process of the poorly educated drug addled mind... so stop making fun of me.
This comment was edited on Jul 30, 2009, 23:14.