The demo(s) played fine even though it was clear the PC version got the short end of the stick. In other words not as much attention as the console version. It was noticeably better looking on the PS3 over the X-Box 360. And the PC version felt kind of lacking. Well against my better judgement I kept my pre-order for the PC... even had my daughter pick it up since I'm home with the flu.
I installed the game and jumped through all the hoops (repeatedly) to register my copy on the EA and Bioware sites so that I could get my Signature Edition goodies.
For some reason the password and e-mail address I've been using for two years... since EA started requiring all these log-ins for games... well, it didn't work. So after twenty minutes I finally got my old info to take and thought I had registered the game. I had with one site...
Then I tried to redeem my code for the extra items and DLC at the Bioware site. Shit, that didn't work either. Every time I logged in and tried to register my PC version of DA2 (yeah, I thought I just registered the damn thing) it looped me back to the log-in screen. I was getting pissed off after almost an hour of this shit before they fixed their broke dick site.
Cool, I've jumped all their hurdles and jump them again.... and again. The game is installed. It's telling me to refresh my wallet to get the Signature Edition goodies. So I load up the game and the config program scans my system. I set my graphics to my preference. Close and save. Double click the II icon....
.... and it crashes on boot up. SWEET!