Dev wrote on Jul 29, 2012, 20:11:jacobvandy wrote on Jul 29, 2012, 17:56:Kinda like real life might be in a zombie apocalypse.
Major issue with DayZ at the moment, as far as gameplay design, is the complete lack of incentive to team up with other players. It's very easy to survive on your own if you're at least somewhat careful, so most people just shoot other players on sight because they see them as walking piñatas rather than potential allies.
Axis wrote on Jul 29, 2012, 16:56:
The real lesson here is inclusion of modding. Make even a mediocre game moddable, you can still become mighty profitable.
Nerian wrote on Jul 23, 2012, 00:21:
Creston wrote on Jun 22, 2012, 12:28:Eirikrautha wrote on Jun 21, 2012, 21:22:
The original poster decried the lack of commitment in the US to increasing the availability of fast data services. He referred to such services as "infrastructure." I simply pointed out the differences in scale between SK and the US, and (sarcastically) that the definition of "infrastructure" today is "anything I'd like to have, but want other people to pay for." Data service is NOT "infrastructure" ... it is a luxury. And it is a luxury that the American people don't seem to want to pay for. If they did, Verizon wouldn't have stopped converting old copper to FIOS. There's no interest among large groups of Americans to create a high-speed network for everyone with their disposable income. So, what is the other funding option? Force people to pay for something they don't want (but you do) through the government's forcible confiscation of wages, under the guise of "infrastructure." Well, sorry, but that doesn't fly...
Verizon didn't stop rolling out FIOS because there was no demand. They stopped rolling out FIOS because they'd done their most dense markets, and didn't really care about the less dense ones. There's plenty of people who'd LOVE to get FIOS, and Verizon doesn't care to roll it out to their neighborhood.
So... is that the customer's fault, in your opinion?
And actually, the government has this wonderful initiative in place that gives subsidies to Telcos to deploy high-end data infrastructure to rural areas. (It used to be just phones and they use the same thing for "broadband" internet access now.)
Sadly, like with all things government does, all the initiative does is pay out money to AT&T and Time Warner and its ilk, and they just put it in the bank while rolling out exactly zero meters of fiber to any rural area.
So yeah, there is actually funds available to get more of America connected in a decent fashion. It's just not being used that way because the government is fucking incompetent and the Telcos are just thieves.
Alamar wrote on Jun 21, 2012, 13:35:
Interesting... what games have a need for a 'collector edition version'?
Flatline wrote on Jun 21, 2012, 12:29:
I wish we had that kind of vision here in America. However, here innovation means "figure out new ways to charge you more for less service or product!"
Tumbler wrote on May 15, 2012, 23:19:
Heh, I had an hour to play Diablo 3 tonight while the wife is at the Gym. I think it worked for 20 min now I'm not able to login.
The game performance this evening is kind of hilarious. You can see how much of this game is online and when things aren't working well it's painful. The attack animations just stop working. I'm a wizard and at times the attacks will lag and I'm realizing that everytime I click attack it's asking the server if I'm allowed to shoot this fireball. When I get disconnected it stops working. There will be a time between disconnect and an error popping up where you can still move around but everything stops working. My little wizard will swing her sword but she can't shoot her arcane missile or use her laser beam.
The game tonight is behaving like it's a buggy mess. The game stutters often and rather than it feeling like lag the game feels like it's just poorly made. Earlier today when I was playing, around 1pm, it was great. Ran very well, being online was barely noticeable, until they turned the game off...but tonight it's pretty sad how much of the functions of the game depend on talking to the server. The glowing doorways between zones even stopped working. The map will show there should be a door you can enter but if you go over there you can't use them.
I'll be surprised if they don't add an offline mode similar to starcraft 2 at some point in the future because so much of this game requires communication with the home office that I am guessing it's taking immense amounts of bandwidth and power to keep everyone up and doesn't it become not cost effective to go to all this trouble at some point in the future?
Maybe this is just a paranoid crazy action to try and force people to pay to play for at least a month? Make the game unplayable without connecting to us and everyone will buy it! (side note, game will be unplayable for everyone from time to time but we're fighting piracy here! They'll understand!)
Protip: Get Diablo 3 for free and it's easy to just laugh at all of this! (trade ins)
NKD wrote on May 15, 2012, 23:16:
I just don't understand the big deal here. People on this site are talking lawsuits for fucks sake. Over a game not being playable for part of the first day??
Surely I can't be the only one who thinks that's over the line from being legitimately annoyed way down into crazytown.