"But dont you think Farcry 'looks' much better?"
I played and enjoyed Far Cry - there's no doubt that it produced the best foliage and indoor lighting I've seen so far. But I thought that the characters were less impressive, very plastic-looking and all the mercs looked the same. I thought the vehicles were nice, but not really anything I hadn't seen before (how different can a jeep look?).
My excitement with HL2 is that, even if the graphics may be less impressive in places than Far Cry, the locations look superb. Not only an accurately recreated city but one being invaded by a towering Alien assimilation craft - laundry rooms, balconies, staircases, beaches etc etc. The content there far surpasses Far Cry to me.
On top of that it looks to boast the most impressive characters I've ever seen. Yes, FC has set the benchmark for *aspects* of graphics but I feel it's very limited (although I don't want to take anything away from CryTek. It's an astounding engine, and as a debut even more so).
This comment was edited on Apr 29, 09:53.