User information for yonderboy

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August 16, 2001
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3 Comments. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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DS stuff
Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
DS stuff Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
Aug 17, 2001, 12:20
First of all, it's great to see the reference to hack. I feel the love. Second of all, I don't see how ppl can really compare DS w/ NWN. I'd recommend NWN only if you really love D&D. If ya do, then this is the game for you if you must choose. If you're apathetic, or you know even a little bit of programming, or want to use the game w/ the MORE POWERFUL (and easier from my understanding) editor, you must obviously choose DS.
Will NWN be full 3d? No
Will NWN have load screens and separate areas and monsters that can't figure out how to follow you when you leave the screen? Yes
Will DS have a live DM to tweak the role-playing aspect of the game and throw in unexpected kinks into the gaming experience? No
Which will have the bigger landscape? DS obviously will have the bigger single area, but when you talk about multiple servers, it's impossible to tell. The possibilities are mind-boggling for both games.

Guys, go to the forums for both games ( and then that other site for NWN), learn as much as possible for each game, and become all-consumed by the games before you choose which to get if you only get one.

And enjoy!

Comparing games
Aug 16, 2001, 21:48
Comparing games Aug 16, 2001, 21:48
Aug 16, 2001, 21:48
I really don't think you can compare a MMORPG w/ DS, they really aren't at all in the same genre.

Defense of Delay
Aug 16, 2001, 19:08
Defense of Delay Aug 16, 2001, 19:08
Aug 16, 2001, 19:08
Yes, I'm let down very much by the delay, but if the game needs to be pushed back then by God push it back. Have any of you guys bashing the delay played Tribes2? I believe they are on their 30-something patch. Tribes2 has literally released multiple patches on the same day. They even had one released BEFORE the game was out. While I certainly don't mind patches when necessary, and they frequently are necessary AFTER the game is out, there's not much worse than paying full price for a game that is not finished yet.
As for the original release date, you must remember how long ago that was set, and it's a "target" date. I can assure you that with the team at GPG, this will not turn into an Anachronox or Diakatana.
With a game that will ship with an editor the likes of DS's, the game must be 100% finished when it comes out, or the fan-based mod community will not respond the way it did to Total Annihilation.
Better to wait a while.

As for NWN, if you really look into it, the games are targeting different groups. As for me, I'm biased quite a bit towards DS, of course.

And now for the plug... make sure to check out more about DS at


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