User information for Jamison Krig

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Jamison Krig
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Since January 24, 2024

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August 1, 2001
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988 (Graduate)
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988 Comments. 50 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Shadowrun Returns DRM Clarified
Apr 13, 2013, 21:04
Re: Shadowrun Returns DRM Clarified Apr 13, 2013, 21:04
Apr 13, 2013, 21:04
Maybe you don't get how Kickstarter works? Kickstarter pledges are investments, not purchases, rewards are REWARDS, not purchases. The pledgers likely pledged to make a DRM FREE game happen. Not just for themselves! That's what funding investment *means*.

But it isn't really investment. Paying a few bucks for a Kickstarter campaign doesn't mean you're on the board of directors, or get any actual input on the product beyond what they deign to listen to, unless that's what they promised you. What you get is what they promised you for your pledge level. They have no obligation to follow your motivations for pledging.

Kickstarter pledges aren't actually investors, they're customers that pre-pay for a product. You can complain about DRM as a customer, but their licensing contract takes precedence for obvious legal reasons.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Ships Ahoy - PPC Skyrim Dawnguard
Aug 5, 2012, 14:51
Re: Ships Ahoy - PPC Skyrim Dawnguard Aug 5, 2012, 14:51
Aug 5, 2012, 14:51
Most Blues News commenters could get a couple months out of 10 hours of gameplay, I imagine, considering how much time they spend whining about games they don't like rather than playing ones they do.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dawnguard Details
Jun 7, 2012, 23:51
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dawnguard Details Jun 7, 2012, 23:51
Jun 7, 2012, 23:51
1AngryGamer wrote on Jun 7, 2012, 23:05:
10-20 hours

So one day...

wow great

The main quest for Skyrim only takes a little longer than that if you do nothing else.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Skyrim Dawnguard As Soon as Next Month
Jun 6, 2012, 20:10
Re: Skyrim Dawnguard As Soon as Next Month Jun 6, 2012, 20:10
Jun 6, 2012, 20:10
Shineyguy wrote on Jun 6, 2012, 16:02:
Doesn't really make a difference to them. May actually make them less money as people with the game on other platforms (like me, I of course purchased the game for PC) will skip this entirely just in principle.

It may line Microsoft's pockets, which is another argument entirely.

I don't think they will care much about a handful of people with the principle of "extreme impatience" when this game inevitably reaches #1 on steam for several months.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Tribes: Ascend Passes 1M Downloads
May 16, 2012, 17:44
Re: Tribes: Ascend Passes 1M Downloads May 16, 2012, 17:44
May 16, 2012, 17:44
Sure are a lot of people complaining about the game whose reasoning is how bad they are at playing it...
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game
Apr 9, 2012, 11:29
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game Apr 9, 2012, 11:29
Apr 9, 2012, 11:29
ASeven wrote on Apr 9, 2012, 10:00:
Verno puts it down nicely. The growing exponential costs of developing a game is ensuring that publishers rarely see any profit from their AAA release due to the insane costs of making a AAA game today. As Verno says well you don't need a big budget to make a big, great game. Amnesia, Terraria, Minecraft, Frozen Synapse amongst others are perfect examples of that.

Those things aren't just "lower" budget though, they're practically no-budget. We're not even approaching the budget of a "A" title, let alone "AAA" when talking about these indie games. Minecraft was done by one guy, and its graphics are from the stone age. Games as a whole aren't going to step backwards in time just to make money.

These games have an audience, but there are types of games that do in fact [i]need[/i] a larger budget. Just like the increased popularity of indie films weren't the death knell of the blockbuster sci-fi epic, indie games aren't the answer to lowering the budget for something like Warcraft, Half Life, Battlefield 3, or TES. From the sales of these games it's obvious that people aren't dropping high-end graphics to play sprite-based side-scrollers.

You also can't look at consoles and say that those games aren't making any money, when it's the primary source of income for the console makers. The hardware is sold at a loss, they're making money hand over fist on the games themselves, and often on new franchises.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game
Apr 9, 2012, 09:39
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game Apr 9, 2012, 09:39
Apr 9, 2012, 09:39
Indie games, kickstarter, etc

None of these indie games have large budgets. They have simple graphics and concepts that can be done by a few people, there aren't any Half Life 2's or BF2's among them, which need large teams. Even Double Fine's adventure game has a fraction of the budget that was needed to make Brutal Legend. Indie games are good but it is naive to think they're the magic bullet to big-budget games.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game
Apr 8, 2012, 22:34
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game Apr 8, 2012, 22:34
Apr 8, 2012, 22:34
Cutter wrote on Apr 8, 2012, 20:15:
Money is on the console? Ever the excuse of those can't make games people want. I guess it's news to someone like Blizzard who's made how many billions on WoW alone so far?

Which Blizzard did by being able to throw more money than god at making it after being king of the era before consoles. There aren't any new companies that have made it big off of purely PC gaming in the last ten years without losing a whole lot of money (excluding Minecraft, of course). All the best-selling PC games are old franchises from a handful of old companies.

For most games and new franchises, consoles are where the consumers are.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game
Apr 8, 2012, 22:23
Re: Epic Making PC Exclusive Game Apr 8, 2012, 22:23
Apr 8, 2012, 22:23
Drezden wrote on Apr 8, 2012, 16:46:
Good luck selling any copies to all those "pirating, self absorbed, entitled" PC gamers that you so lovingly insulted.

Well gee, from the posts in this thread I wonder why anyone would think a thing like that?
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: New U.S. Game Labeling Bill
Mar 21, 2012, 00:06
Re: New U.S. Game Labeling Bill Mar 21, 2012, 00:06
Mar 21, 2012, 00:06
RollinThundr wrote on Mar 20, 2012, 23:43:
He's a liberal democrat, spend and attempt to control is what they do. Obama has spent more in less than one term. 4.93 trillion, than Bush did in his entire 2 terms, do the math.

Maybe you should check your own math
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Sons of Anarchy Game?
Feb 26, 2012, 01:14
Re: Sons of Anarchy Game? Feb 26, 2012, 01:14
Feb 26, 2012, 01:14
Cutter wrote on Feb 25, 2012, 16:17:
Xombie wrote on Feb 25, 2012, 14:25:
Cutter wrote on Feb 25, 2012, 13:52:
I've never understood the appeal of bikers. I've always viewed them as dirty criminal scumbags.

Sounds like you've answered your own question.

What question? That was a statement.

Well you said you didn't understand it. But people always like entertainment about criminal scumbags.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Sons of Anarchy Game?
Feb 25, 2012, 14:25
Re: Sons of Anarchy Game? Feb 25, 2012, 14:25
Feb 25, 2012, 14:25
Cutter wrote on Feb 25, 2012, 13:52:
I've never understood the appeal of bikers. I've always viewed them as dirty criminal scumbags.

Sounds like you've answered your own question.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: the best gaming experience
Feb 24, 2012, 18:25
Re: the best gaming experience Feb 24, 2012, 18:25
Feb 24, 2012, 18:25
Yifes wrote on Feb 24, 2012, 17:39:
I don't understand what this incessant bitching is about.

This is Blues News forums, where people complain about games more than they actually play them.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Tim Schafer on Double Fine's Kickstart
Feb 22, 2012, 12:31
Re: Tim Schafer on Double Fine's Kickstart Feb 22, 2012, 12:31
Feb 22, 2012, 12:31
Crossing my fingers that they can do this for a Brutal Legend 2
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Evening Mobilization
Feb 22, 2012, 09:39
Re: Evening Mobilization Feb 22, 2012, 09:39
Feb 22, 2012, 09:39
Blues News forums are a whole lot better with prez on ignore. At least 50% less complaining, and 75% less talking points in threads.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Skyrim IAAS Game of the Year
Feb 10, 2012, 18:33
Re: Skyrim IAAS Game of the Year Feb 10, 2012, 18:33
Feb 10, 2012, 18:33
bigspender wrote on Feb 10, 2012, 18:05:
I'm level 36 conjuration100/destruction100 mage and im still waiting for it to be fun.

Then why did you sink weeks of playtime into it?
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Skyrim IAAS Game of the Year
Feb 10, 2012, 17:41
Re: Skyrim IAAS Game of the Year Feb 10, 2012, 17:41
Feb 10, 2012, 17:41
Yosemite Sam wrote on Feb 10, 2012, 17:33:
A bug infested game wins GOTY. I remember when only PC games suffered from this (actually I remember when even PC games had to work properly out of the box)and console games had to work. Now that console games can be patched too they are pushed out the door incomplete. Gamers sure are suckers for punishment, amazes me how this is considered normal AND acceptable now.

That's such a generic criticism of every open-world game made that I suspect you've kept in a word file for fifteen years.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Portal 2 Mod for Skyrim
Feb 9, 2012, 08:39
Re: Portal 2 Mod for Skyrim Feb 9, 2012, 08:39
Feb 9, 2012, 08:39
eRe4s3r wrote on Feb 8, 2012, 22:19:
Great, so besides macho dragons and MLP ponies we got flying robots..

And just to showcase why i detest steam, it has 5 stars. Truly flying robots in a fantasy rpg are the PINNACLE of good modding.

I too get angry over how other people choose to have fun
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Skyrim Hi-Rez Pack Tuesday?
Feb 6, 2012, 12:36
Re: Skyrim Hi-Rez Pack Tuesday? Feb 6, 2012, 12:36
Feb 6, 2012, 12:36
Cutter wrote on Feb 6, 2012, 00:53:
No, I'm saying we shold get a PC game because that's what we're paying for. Not paying for a console game that's been barely hobbled together and somewhat fixed and upgraded later on if ever. If you think that's unreasonable than I'd suggest you need professional help.

It is completely unreasonable to expect them to develop two separate games for something as large and complex as TES and expect them to make a profit. No publisher would pay for such a thing when super high-end graphics on PC are a niche market.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
Re: Skyrim Hi-Rez Pack Tuesday?
Feb 5, 2012, 22:44
Re: Skyrim Hi-Rez Pack Tuesday? Feb 5, 2012, 22:44
Feb 5, 2012, 22:44
Cutter wrote on Feb 5, 2012, 21:13:
How is it a sense of entitlement when PC gamers are paying the exact same money for an unifinished and poorly ported PC game?

You're actually asking why it's a sense of entitlement to think you should get more than the console versions for the same price as the console versions?
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
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