"Btw,Fletch u a hardware nut? I usually read hardware reviews only if it's a major product release or near my upgrade cycle,which is oh,i guess another two years or so down the road. Otherwise reading about all the goodies can be rather detrimental to the health of my wallet"
I do a lot of system building/upgrades and like to keep up on what's out there. As far as my own system goes, I know what you mean. More times than I care to recall, a review has convinced me that I "need" something.
I'm just getting frustrated with all these sites/reviewers putting up crap cut/paste jobs that have no more information than I could get at the manufacturer's website just so they can score some free swag that they can sell and pay for their crap site and thus enable them to put up more crap reviews. Many of these sites are GAMING-oriented sites that obviously have no clue what their game-playing readers want to know. Of course, there are a lot of hardware-centric sites putting up their share of dross too. I'd almost like to see a site that does reviews of reviews just so there is some pseudo-accountability of sorts. Hmmmm.....
Sorry for ranting.