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August 1, 2001
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698 Comments. 35 pages. Viewing page 13.
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Re: Op Ed
Jan 20, 2014, 21:11
Re: Op Ed Jan 20, 2014, 21:11
Jan 20, 2014, 21:11
Cutter wrote on Jan 20, 2014, 20:57:
Fletch wrote on Jan 20, 2014, 20:36:
Henry Dorsett wrote on Jan 20, 2014, 15:33:
Well, we are dealing with an Ars article, Cutter. And I thought the point of video games was entertainment and/or artistic expression. Well, looks like I've been doing it wrong.

Or maybe console "gamers" are just easily-entertained.

Zackly. Console gamers are the RealityTV crowd. PC gamers watch documentaries.
"Honey Boo Boo Adventures" is going to be an XBox One exclusive.
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Re: Morning Mobilization
Jan 20, 2014, 20:54
Re: Morning Mobilization Jan 20, 2014, 20:54
Jan 20, 2014, 20:54
Finally, a woman that will talk to me.
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Re: Morning Consolidation
Jan 20, 2014, 20:51
Re: Morning Consolidation Jan 20, 2014, 20:51
Jan 20, 2014, 20:51
This has to be a console device. Makes the game easier when you begin to stress? LOL! How about a shock collar that activates whenever you utter the word "fag" or "bitch", etc?
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Re: Op Ed
Jan 20, 2014, 20:48
Re: Op Ed Jan 20, 2014, 20:48
Jan 20, 2014, 20:48
The_Pink_Tiger wrote on Jan 20, 2014, 20:27:
I've said it before and I'll say it again...
A ven diagram would have been helpful.
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Re: Op Ed
Jan 20, 2014, 20:36
Re: Op Ed Jan 20, 2014, 20:36
Jan 20, 2014, 20:36
Henry Dorsett wrote on Jan 20, 2014, 15:33:
Well, we are dealing with an Ars article, Cutter. And I thought the point of video games was entertainment and/or artistic expression. Well, looks like I've been doing it wrong.
Or maybe console "gamers" are just easily-entertained.
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Re: Thief System Requirements
Jan 18, 2014, 22:45
Re: Thief System Requirements Jan 18, 2014, 22:45
Jan 18, 2014, 22:45
Jerykk wrote on Jan 18, 2014, 19:17:
I seriously don't understand the hate this game receives. I assume much of it stems from reactionary criticism that people take at face value without bothering to do any research themselves. The exact same thing happened with DX:HR which ended up being a great game.

Oh ffs, the ol' "if you don't agree with me, it must be because you don't know as much about it as I do". If you can't understand the hate this game is receiving, maybe it's because you are a reactionary fanboy, and haven't bothered trying to understand the criticism. See what I did there?
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Re: Thief System Requirements
Jan 18, 2014, 19:06
Re: Thief System Requirements Jan 18, 2014, 19:06
Jan 18, 2014, 19:06

Minimum spec also requires the game itself, which means my system will never be able to run it.
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Re: Rambo the Video Game Trailer
Jan 17, 2014, 17:51
Re: Rambo the Video Game Trailer Jan 17, 2014, 17:51
Jan 17, 2014, 17:51
This looks absolutely terrible. Has hold-my-hand console game written all over it. I mean, seriously? This is a real game? Even more alarming... is this a real "upcoming movie"?
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Re: Evening Metaverse
Jan 17, 2014, 01:24
Re: Evening Metaverse Jan 17, 2014, 01:24
Jan 17, 2014, 01:24
Axis wrote on Jan 16, 2014, 19:35:
Last thing the US needs are more useless unions.
I was going to say basically what Cutter did. If you are blue-collar and anti-union, you are absolutely clueless about what unions do and how they built the middle class. But hey, if Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, and the blonde bimbo of the day and her two dipshit bookends on F&F say unions are bad, they must be bad, right?

It's difficult to comprehend why so many Americans vote against their own interests so often, and why they keep voting for complete imbeciles like Bachmann, Gohmert, and Cruz. It's like their bullshit filter is turned off completely, and they'll believe anything. Maybe they are just born stupid and gullible and there simply aren't enough lions around to remove them from the gene pool naturally.
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Re: Firefighters must decline vacations for saving a dog thanks to state ethics laws.
Jan 16, 2014, 16:33
Re: Firefighters must decline vacations for saving a dog thanks to state ethics laws. Jan 16, 2014, 16:33
Jan 16, 2014, 16:33

I do my job every day. Hey Ellen, where's my vacation?
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Re: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Revealed
Jan 4, 2014, 13:18
Re: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Revealed Jan 4, 2014, 13:18
Jan 4, 2014, 13:18
"Bring us back to the great days of MMOs."
When was that, exactly?
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Re: On Sale (2)
Jan 3, 2014, 03:50
Re: On Sale (2) Jan 3, 2014, 03:50
Jan 3, 2014, 03:50
jdreyer wrote on Jan 3, 2014, 03:45:
Huh, I can't get to Steam, either through the web or through the Steam app.
I've been trying for 2-3 hours. It's down for some reason.
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Re: Tomb Raider producer defends $60 Definitive Edition
Dec 31, 2013, 18:52
Re: Tomb Raider producer defends $60 Definitive Edition Dec 31, 2013, 18:52
Dec 31, 2013, 18:52

Awesome. There's nothing like being locked to a single corporate entity whose shiny new game system isn't backward-compatible with games you already own lease. And I don't see how improved graphics is an incentive for people to spend another $60 on a game they've already played on PS3, but I guess it does allow new console owners to somewhat rationalize buying the thing. I wish developer mouthpieces would quit including it in their bullet points, though. It's the gameplay, stupid.

Good news for PS4 owners however, in that a streaming service for the PS4 is in the works that will allow you to play PS3 games, but, again, you'll be at the mercy of Sony and their cloud, as well as lag and possible server performance/down-time, and it will only cost you a modest monthly fee for the privilege. Lessee... backward-compatible, or a new proprietary system architecture that is not? Where is the revenue stream here?

Would it have been that hard to slap an emulator chip onto the mainboard that kicks in whenever a PS3 game is inserted? Oh well, console players choose their respective gatekeepers when they choose a platform.

Ok, off to install Wizardy8 again... still a blast twelve years after release.
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Re: On Sale
Dec 31, 2013, 17:02
Re: On Sale Dec 31, 2013, 17:02
Dec 31, 2013, 17:02
GOG seems intent on me owning every game they sell by including games I don't want with games I do want in these combo deals. It's cheaper to buy the whole combo than the individual game or two I want from it.
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Re: Steam Hits 7.6M Concurrent User Record
Dec 30, 2013, 13:56
Re: Steam Hits 7.6M Concurrent User Record Dec 30, 2013, 13:56
Dec 30, 2013, 13:56

Yeah, but... a lot of that was me.
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Re: etc.
Dec 30, 2013, 01:34
Re: etc. Dec 30, 2013, 01:34
Dec 30, 2013, 01:34

If they cure aging before I croak, I'll still be playing Doom and Doom2.
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Re: Sunday Safety Dance
Dec 30, 2013, 01:32
Re: Sunday Safety Dance Dec 30, 2013, 01:32
Dec 30, 2013, 01:32
"Users more worried about identity theft than privacy."
Two branches of the same tree.
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Re: The Repopulation Kickstarter; March Testing Plans
Dec 27, 2013, 12:57
Re: The Repopulation Kickstarter; March Testing Plans Dec 27, 2013, 12:57
Dec 27, 2013, 12:57

I can arrange my furniture any way I like? Sold! Take notice, Bethesda!

EDIT/ADD: Does $50k seems low for what they say this game will include? I mean, the pitch video makes it seem like the game will appeal to just about every kind of player. If it does, it could be the most incredible game ever made, or the most boring. Even the top stretch goal of a million dollars seems low.

This comment was edited on Dec 27, 2013, 13:09.
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Re: Homeworld HD/CE Survey
Dec 27, 2013, 12:53
Re: Homeworld HD/CE Survey Dec 27, 2013, 12:53
Dec 27, 2013, 12:53
I just hope they take out jumping. Err, wait... what?

Loved Homeworld. I'd buy HD versions, but have no interest in a Collector's Edition and associated swag. I've got enough useless crap sitting in boxes.
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Re: Get Even Revealed
Dec 24, 2013, 09:54
Re: Get Even Revealed Dec 24, 2013, 09:54
Dec 24, 2013, 09:54
Am I the only one that became less interested when I read "stressing realism"? Photorealism doesn't do anything for me in a PC game. I don't understand why it's desireable by some developers. Make a fun game. If it's a fun, photorealistic game... great. But photorealism isn't a selling point for me in a PC game. I think resources expended towards photorealism are wasted in a PC game. That's what movies are for. If you want to make a boring, interactive movie, just release it as a console title. It'll make console gamers quiver.
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