User information for Some guy

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Some guy
Some guy
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Signed On
July 30, 2001
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25 (Suspect)
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25 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 2.
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Re: Jeez, really.....
Dec 26, 2002, 01:33
Re: Jeez, really..... Dec 26, 2002, 01:33
Dec 26, 2002, 01:33
Merc248: There is one for the Half-Life engine. I forget the name though, but I've seen it. Looked kinda cool too.
Muskets and cannons etc.

Re: verdict
Dec 22, 2002, 23:42
Re: verdict Dec 22, 2002, 23:42
Dec 22, 2002, 23:42
Argh I give up with this mod. Too amateur.
I can't even begin to count all the glaring problems I've seen so far. Enemies are way to powerful. Ambushes are way to unfair, player weapons way to inacurate, and I'm sick of strugling just to move around in this mapper's environments. They're way to cluttered. And I shouldn't have to spend 3-10 seconds crouch jumping to walk up a 5 degree incline hill. If you want a quality campaign to get immersed in this ain't it. If you want frustration and aggrevation and amateur night. Download this mod now!
[uninstalling now]

Re: Whats the tally
Dec 22, 2002, 22:39
Re: Whats the tally Dec 22, 2002, 22:39
Dec 22, 2002, 22:39
This comment was edited on Dec 22, 22:49.
All I ask..
Dec 22, 2002, 22:31
All I ask.. Dec 22, 2002, 22:31
Dec 22, 2002, 22:31
All I ask... is for someone to come up with a way for me to play my buddy multiplayer Halo with him using his X-box controller, and me using a keyboard and mouse. That way I can once and for all squash all his beliefs that he is a multiplayer god and that I suck at first person shooters.
It would be the schooling to end all schoolings. I predict he'd throw his coffee table out the window after flinging his gamepad against the fireplace, and putting his fist through the TV. Oh how I crave the day

Not so hot so far.
Dec 22, 2002, 22:24
Not so hot so far. Dec 22, 2002, 22:24
Dec 22, 2002, 22:24
Voice acting is terrible, (German kids trying to sound like American adults)
Level design is sub par. I'm getting hung up on lots of things. Architecture doesn't look very real. Nothing seems to make sense.
I'm stuck near the begining of the game because there is no apparant way to continue on. (I'm lost) I suspect a scripting bug.

25 Comments. 2 pages. Viewing page 2.
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