I know oldest first is already an option, but without the ability to see all the posts on a single page, it's not much help. For some reason I prefer "Oldest First, Nested by thread", followed by "Newest First, flat". But that's just the opinion of one guy.
I'm sure when
I write my
own message board software it'll have no flaws at all. But until then I'm just blowing smoke, I guess.
Oh, and I agree that the benefits of moderation aren't worth the effort to put it in at this point. I was just reminded how long it's been since I've seen behavior like that and it occurred to me it's because I view slashdot at +2 or higher 95% of the time.
BTW, I noticed when making the bullets in post #62 that they render with a space between them (at least under Mozilla), and the underlying HTML is:
[br][li] thingy
[br][li] thingy
[br][li] thingy
What's with the [br]s? Feel free to say "it's complicated and isn't likely to go away; deal with it." I've done a little perl-generated HTML and know how that goes.
This comment was edited on Jul 13, 15:48.
Graham "Teach" Mitchell, computer science teacher, Leander High School