...condemning the game's use of racially charged remarks promoting the hate and killing of Haitians and Cubans
Can any of you tantrum throwers identify the actual lines these people have a problem with? No? Laff.
You boys better learn to defend your freedoms better than that. I'm telling you, more deperate attacks than this are lining up for a crack at taking away freedom of expression.
You best swallow the bile and learn to defend with logic and patience.
And another thing:
Some people on Earth fight things tougher than end bosses. Maybe someday you sausage fingered consumers will grow up to see that these humans are struggling with demons of inequality and true race hatred. A nobler fight than any video game.
You'll need to do more than glower from your xbox futon littered with mini-snickers wrappers to convince the third world that GTA is art deserving of their respect with all the freedoms that accords.
Again, exactly which ingame remarks are in contention? Defend or lose.