Archived News:

Saturday, Jun 03, 2023

Microsoft/Activision UK Block Could Spark Brexit?

Bloomberg reports Microsoft president Brad Smith is set to meet with UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt next week to discuss the block on the Microsoft/Activision merger placed by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority. Word is there will also be discussions with the legal team over how to overcome this regulatory hurdle. There's also unconfirmed speculation that one approach could be the nuclear option of leaving the region entirely:
One extreme option could be to bypass the UK order and press ahead with the deal, or withdraw Activision from the UK market, one of the people said, confirming earlier reports by regulatory news outfit Mlex.

The company is also likely to draw on the EU’s findings in its legal arguments against the CMA, after EU merger officials conditionally approved the record-breaking gaming merger last month.

The Chancellor’s office declined to comment. Activision didn’t respond to a request for comment. The confidential discussions will take place as Smith takes part in London Tech Week, an event aimed at boosting the UK’s technology industry.

DirectX12 Mac Support This Summer

CodeWeavers has good news for Mac gamers, announcing reports DirectX 12 support is coming this summer to CrossOver, the software that enables PC gaming on Apple hardware (thanks 9to5Mac via Ant). The good news is that this will allow better performance, while the bad news is that this will arrive on a title-by-title basis. Here are some details explaining why this is the case:

While we are elated with this breakthrough, we acknowledge that our journey has just begun. Our team’s investigations concluded that there was no single magic key that unlocked DirectX 12 support on macOS. To get just Diablo II Resurrected running, we had to fix a multitude of bugs involving MoltenVK and SPIRV-Cross. We anticipate that this will be the case for other DirectX 12 games: we will need to add support on a per-title basis, and each game will likely involve multiple bugs.

Rest assured, our commitment to delivering DirectX 12 support on Mac remains unwavering. Our team is dedicated to pushing the limits one game at a time, and we look forward to continuing to make announcements as we add support for more and more DirectX 12 titles. Embrace the extraordinary and stay up to date on this journey towards gaming excellence by subscribing to our blog.

Saturday Crowdfunding

Out of the Blue

We were in full summer swing yesterday, even though it's still a few weeks until the season officially begins in these parts. First off it was a million degrees. Okay, I exaggerate. It probably didn't get much past 100,000. But still. And second, it was our first trip of the year to the farm to pick up our CSA share. Thankfully this week did not involve us having to do any of the picking ourselves due to that heat and a thunderstorm that broke out right as we arrived. We have a "small" share in the CSA, but this still results in a lot of produce for two people. But that's fine. After a few recent bouts with stomach issues, I've vowed to work on improving my diet anyway. Lettuce hope that helps.

Productive Round-up
Thanks Ant and Neutronbeam.


Thanks Max.


Creature Features


Thanks RedEye9.

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