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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Take-Two Financials Reveal REDACTED is Delayed

Take-Two Interactive's Fiscal Year 2018 Results are now available, and the publisher's announcement calls them "strong," noting that "GAAP Net revenue grew to $1.793 billion" and "GAAP Net income more than doubled to $1.54 per diluted share." This did not impress Wall Street, and Barron's reports that trading in the company's stock is down based on lowered forecasts. Perhaps the most interesting news in the report is that a "highly-anticipated [sic] title from one of 2K's biggest franchises" is delayed. There's no word on what this is, but there's a lot of speculation it may be Borderlands 3 or a new BioShock game. Here's word:
The highly-anticipated title from one of 2K’s biggest franchises, which had been planned for release during the current fiscal year, is now planned for launch during fiscal 2020 to allow for additional development time. We remain as excited as ever about this title, and expect it to enhance our results next fiscal year.

The Crew 2 Closed Beta This Month

Ubisoft offers an article on how players will be able to blaze their own trails in The Crew 2, their upcoming open world driving sequel. This includes a video with gameplay footage and developer interviews. If this gets your motor running, then you'll be interested in this post with details on closed beta testing that gets underway on May 31st, and how to get the chance to participate. Here's word:
The Crew 2 is giving players a chance to strap in for an adrenaline-fueled race across America in its upcoming closed beta on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Those looking to get behind the wheel ahead of the game's June 29 launch can sign up now for a chance to access the closed beta – running from May 31 through June 3 – at While access is limited, all closed beta players will be able to invite up to three friends to join them as they race by land, sea, and air throughout a fully redesigned, USA-spanning game world.

Closed beta players will have access to all the content available within the first level of the progression system, including four different race types: Street Race, Rally Raid, Powerboat, and Aerobatics. Not only will the entire map be open for players to explore, but they'll also have access to the full line-up of vehicles available in The Crew 2 to unlock. Plus, all closed beta players will be able to participate in an exclusive mission, the Motor Trend Classic Challenge, a street race through New York City.

Finally, all closed beta participants will unlock an exclusive in-game leather jacket for use in the final game.
Continue here to read the full story.

No Lootboxes for RAGE 2

Tim Willits tells GameStar that RAGE 2 "Wir werden keine Lootboxen haben, das kann ich ganz sicher sagen." Actually he probably offered this assurance that the shooter sequel will not sell lootboxes in English, but the site is German. The short interview with the id Software designer discusses the nature of id's collaboration with Avalanche Software on the game, but they conclude asking about games as a service and lootboxes, and here's the English translation of that:

GameStar: Do you follow the Games as a Service approach with Rage 2?

Tim Willits: Yeah, we want people to play Rage 2 longer, and we think we can bring some fun stuff that makes it possible, but we'll talk about it in more detail as we move closer to the release of Rage 2 move.

GameStar: That brings us to the next point: how do you feel about Lootboxing in Rage 2?

Tim Willits: We will not have any Lootboxes, I can say for sure. We have this novel approach: You buy the game and then you play it. (laughs)

MachiaVillain Released

Publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment and developer Wild Factor now offer MachiaVillain, a strategy game for Windows, macOS, and Linux where the player decorates their mansion with traps and monsters to welcome their guests. The launch trailer introduces this take on the Dungeon Keeper formula, and this is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS on Steam. The announcement has the details:
Inspired by the classic tropes of horror cinema and games like Dungeon Keeper, MachiaVillain lets you build the macabre mansion of your dreams – assemble a menagerie of monsters, set deadly traps and lure your next-door mortals inside for your minions to feast upon. But beware: even masterminds must obey a code of honor. To become the most frightening menace in the neighborhood, you'll have to slay by the rules – target victims when they're alone, keep the virgin alive until the end, and never, EVER hurt the dog!

MachiaVillain oozes with fun features to let you unleash your inner evil genius. Balance your monsters’ unique traits, then customize your palace of panic to make them feel at home. Use leftover dismembered body parts and other environmental resources to craft new items and keep the manor safe from supernatural creatures and monster hunters out to exorcise your gruesome good time!
Continue here to read the full story.

Golfy Golf Tees Off

Grabn your clubby clubs and your bally balls, as developer Yah Man Games announces the release of Golfy Golf on Steam for Windows, macOS, and Linux. If you're interested, this trailer offers a look at their take on the pastime, which includes square balls and holes. Here's word:
Toronto-based developer Yah Man Games has today released its debut title, the zany puzzler Golfy Golf, via Steam.

Mark Twain allegedly said “golf is a good walk spoiled” -- but we’re guessing he didn’t mean by yetis, UFOs and giant, bloodthirsty bunny rabbits…

But that is the case in Golfy Golf, a charming new spin on the classic gentleman’s game. Play solo, against the computer, or against a friend. Across six worlds and 120 levels, you’ll pitch and putt your way past menacing enemies and fiendish environmental obstacles in pursuit of par.

A fresh new puzzle-centric approach to the sport, Golfy Golf features three game modes that take players from the snow-covered arctic to frog-plagued swamps - all rendered with a striking stylised art style.
Continue here to read the full story.

NCSoft Financials

NCSoft offers a Q1 2018 financial report with their latest results, reporting significant boosts in revenue and income. GamesIndustry helps crunch the numbers:
NCSoft enjoyed a strong Q1 2018 with revenue up by 98 per cent, and income spiking by 585 per cent.

According to the publisher's latest financial report, although revenue was down by 11 per cent quarter-on-quarter, sales were up year-on-year from $221 million to $439 million.

It was a similar story regarding income which was down by one per cent sequentially, but up year-on-year from $16 million to $110 million driven by a reduction in labour and marketing costs of 22 and 51 per cent respectively.

Game sales presented a somewhat mixed picture for the publisher; while mobile sales were up year-on-year -- coupled with a solid performance from Guild Wars 2 and Aion -- other games like Blade and Soul, Lineage, and Lineage II were all down.

Battlefield V May 23rd Reveal Confirmed

The Battlefield Website now tells us we can tune in for a reveal stream for Battlefield V on May 23rd, confirming a revelation last week discovered through an Easter egg (thanks Don). This page has more details on the livestream reveal of the military shooter, saying it will be hosted by comedian Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show and that the festivities get underway at 4:00 pm EDT on Mixer, Twitch, and YouTube. Trevor Noah offers his thoughts on Instagram, where he says that he considers himself a gamer first and foremost. To further whet our appetites, Electronic Arts and DICE offer this post with 10 things to expect from the reveal. This includes word to expect a new setting, so maybe a little War of 1812 action? We shall see. Here's the post:
On May 23, join comedian Trevor Noah and members of the DICE team as they present the Battlefield™ V Live Reveal. As the live stream draws near, we’ve compiled the top ten things to look forward to.

1. A New Battlefield
It’s a brand-new experience and still everything you love about Battlefield – where every fight is different and brought to life across unexpected theatres of war. Discover the new challenges that will change war forever.

2. …in a New Setting
Battlefield 1 gave players the definitive World War 1 experience that brought the dawn of all-out war to life. But the next Battlefield happens on another frontline. The live reveal will give players the first look at DICE’s immersive portrayal of the new setting.

3. Info Straight from the Developers Behind Battlefield V
Come for Trevor Noah, stay for the developers. Hear from DICE team members Oskar Gabrielson, the head of DICE Stockholm, Andreas Morell, senior producer, Lars Gustavsson, creative director, and Daniel Berlin, design director, as they fill you in on their Battlefield V vision.

4. Unseen Multiplayer Moments
You can of course expect large-scale multiplayer in the next Battlefield – but Battlefield V takes it to the next level. Prepare for multiplayer that spans multiple maps and modes, meaning you’ll experience more varied and exciting Battlefield moments.

5. Unmatched Sights and Sounds
Battlefield has always been about high-fidelity immersion, and Battlefield V isn’t any different. Tune in, and you’ll be among the first to hear and see the stunning environments that you’ll soon be playing within.

6. New Modes and Experiences
A player-favorite from Battlefield 1, Operations have given you the chance to take epic journeys across several maps. Will this teamplay-focused experience be in the next Battlefield? You’ll know if you watch the live reveal!

7. Gameplay Changes
While we don’t want to scoop our own reveal, you can bet your favorite Battlefield 1 weapon that exciting gameplay changes are coming. Because of this, we suggest not even blinking during the Battlefield V Live Reveal.

8. Trevor Noah
The comedian and host of the The Daily Show is not only a gamer, but a defender of video gaming. Funny, smart, and loves video games? We couldn’t think of a better person to host our live reveal then this South African legend.

9. The Return of War Stories
DICE believes in both all-out multiplayer and single player, and the live reveal will have more info on the returning fan-favorite War Stories. Prepare for untold, compelling narratives in a new setting.

10. Answers to All the Speculation
The recent Battlefield Easter Egg chase has turned much of the community into sleepless sleuths. Is your whiteboard covered in Morse code? Is your search history full of white horses? How close were you to the truth of Battlefield V? It’s time to find out.

Watch the Reveal live on stream, May 23 at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 10 PM CET via the following:

Battlefield Homepage




Metro Exodus Delayed

The Metro Website offers an "Important Development Update" for Metro: Exodus, the next installment in this first-person shooter series from 4A Games (thanks VideoGamer). The headline is "Metro Exodus confirmed for Q1 2019," which is a sidelong admission of a delay, as the game was previously expected this autumn. Word is we'll see more of this next month at E3:
Deep Silver and 4A Games would like to share some important information with you regarding the release date of Metro Exodus.

The development of Metro Exodus is progressing well; we are all really excited by what we are seeing. We have been constantly reviewing the games progress to ensure that we deliver a product that gamers and fans of the Metro series want and deserve, as well as keeping an eye on announcements from our competitor products. We want everyone to be able to experience what is the most ambitious Metro game to date at its absolute best and therefore we have taken the decision to move the release date to Q1 2019. We know that this will be disappointing news for fans that had hoped to play the game this year, but also know that you will appreciate the results that this additional development time and new release date will bring.

We would also like to take this opportunity to confirm that at E3 in June we will be revealing some brand new gameplay from a never before seen game environment for you to enjoy.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, we look forward to sharing more with you in June.

Shenmue III Release Date Shen-Moved

Deep Silver announces a delay to Shenmue III (thanks Siliconera). There's not much there besides the admission that the action/adventure sequel is due next year to provide additional polish:
Deep Silver today announce that their upcoming release Shenmue III has been moved and will now release in 2019.

The extra time will be used to polish the quality of the game even further, to the high standards it deserves and release the product in the best possible timeframe.

RIDE 3 Announced

Milestone announces plans to ride or die with the RIDE franchise, saying RIDE 3 will roll out for Windows and consoles on November 8th. The announcement trailer offers a look at the motorbike riding and racing featured in the game, and the announcement adds lots of details:
Milestone, one of the leading and longest established racing game developer in the world, is glad to announce its successful IP dedicated to all two-wheels lovers is returning for the third chapter this year, releasing on November 8 th on PlayStation®4, Xbox One and Windows PC/STEAM.

RIDE franchise is one of the most consolidated in Milestone’s portfolio, a series of titles dedicated to all motorbikes’ fans. The series has established itself as a tribute to the motorbike culture, recognized as unique in its genre thanks to the extremely wide offer, with RIDE 2 winner of the Guinness World Record for Most licensed bikes in a videogame, and to the game experience it offers.

While continuing the franchise’s tradition, RIDE 3 has been revised especially in terms of realism, customization and for the variety of content included: a mix of elements that make this third edition of RIDE the ultimate motorbike encyclopedia, a realistic and adrenalin-packed title dedicated to those addicted to racing.

RIDE 3 has a whole new heart, Unreal Engine 4, and a completely revised experience: whilst maintaining the identity of the series, this title brings a bunch of new features and elements that will make the player feel the adrenaline like a real rider. The list of tracks has been increased to satisfy everyone's tastes and needs: there will be GPs and Supermoto tracks for those who wants to feel like professional riders, Country and City circuits to ride in the most iconic places around the world, Road Races to race on road circuits and Drag Races for those who love acceleration races that take place on straight tracks.
Continue here to read the full story.

No Borderlands 3 at E3?

Randy Pitchford indicates Gearbox will not be showing Borderlands 3 at E3, while expressing concerns that fan expectations for the shooter sequel are getting out of hand. He took to Twitter, a less than ideal platform to express complicated thoughts, as he had to spread his post over six tweets. It does bear pointing out that he takes pains to phrase this in a hypothetical manner, and nowhere in the six tweets does he come out and directly say the game will not appear at E3 (which would take far fewer than 280 characters). There is a post on Shacknews that says "A representative from Gearbox Software announced to a room of journalists earlier today that there will be no Borderlands presence at E3 whatsoever," though they don't offer any quotes to prove that this was not also doublespeak. Here are the tweets all strung together:
Todd Robbins is an awesome performer who is a master of the side-show. He does stuff like hammer a nail into his face or eat a light bulb whole, which is real. He also does some magic, which is fake. I’m going somewhere with this...

He once said (paraphrased), “When I make something vanish (which is a magic trick, and fake), people will swear that it is real. But when I eat a light bulb (which is not magic, and is real) people will swear that it is fake - a trick.”

The point is that it is kind of a part of our species that we tend to hold on to what we *want* to believe while discounting the truth if it contradicts that - no matter the evidence. It takes a disciplined mind to see reality for what it is.

For example, I could write it out now precisely and specifically that “Borderlands 3” will not be at E3 and many of you will choose not to believe it. Many of you will find a way to interpret the intent to suit what you want to believe regardless of what is true.

In fact, this aspect of human nature is so powerful that it is more likely this thread will increase the volume of the debate rather than diminish it. It feels as if “Borderlands 3” may be destined to be the next Half-Life 3 in that regard.

I *love* how important Borderlands is to so many of you. The developers of Gearbox Software are working harder than we have ever worked in order to create new and exciting things in hopes of entertaining you. Your passion fuels us. Thank you! I love you!

MotoGP 18 Features Outlined

Milestone offers a new gameplay trailer from MotoGP 18 along with an extensive list of new details of what to expect from the next installment in this motorcycle racing series:
After announcing MotoGP™18 is going to release on June 7th, Milestone is glad to reveal all the new features included in the game that make it the best choice for all those who want to live the MotoGP™ experience as never before.

Set to be a reboot of Milestone’s flagship title, MotoGP™18 has been developed starting from scratch from the very basics: a new engine, enhanced graphics, reworked physics, faithful reproduction of all elements in game and a new compelling career mode are only some of the elements that will make this year’s MotoGP™ videogame the most immersive and realistic MotoGP™ experience ever.
Continue here to read the full story.

Cultist Simulator This Month

Cultist Simulator is expected on May 31st, offering a virtual card game from Alexis Kennedy, developer of Fallen London and Sunless Sea. This news that precipitated the announcement of a slight delay to The Piano. The game is coming to Windows, macOS, and Linux via Steam,, Humble, and and will carry a 10% launch discount for the first week. The launch trailer from last month shows off the game, and here's a description:
Cultist Simulator is an award-winning game of apocalypse and yearning. Play as a seeker after unholy mysteries, using the game’s unique card-based interface, in a 1920s-themed setting of hidden gods and secret histories. Become a scholar of the unseen arts - but be prepared for the risks that come with such dark discoveries. Death need not be the end, though, as the game’s roguelike progression means that past progress continues into the next life.
Continue here to read the full story.

Morning Crowdfunding Roundup

  • Xenosis- Alien Infection- Funding Now on Fig. "Xenosis: Alien Infection is a retro-inspired, top down sci-fi adventure / survival game, with a focus on a story-driven single-player experience. Blending retro 2D pixel art, with 3D modern lighting, dynamic shadows and 3D positional audio to create a truly unique and immersive experience."

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


Out of the Blue

I received a Dyson V6 cordless "stick" vacuum as a present from Subaru shortly after buying my car, which I think was to compensate me after I was inconvenienced by couple of unnecessary service trips. The vacuum recently started acting oddly, with the motor repeatedly cutting out like it had a pulse feature. Even though the problem sounds like a loose connection or a recharging problem, after some troubleshooting I'm pretty sure the culprit is a dirty filter. The confirmation of this is the motor runs steadily with it removed. This cloth filter is supposed to be rinsed once a month, but it never looked dirty, so I never bothered (it still easily passes the eye test). But after a year of neglect even a thorough rinsing does not seem to have set things right. So I've ordered a replacement, which are quite common and inexpensive, so I think I'm not the only one who's ended up in this clogged boat. On the other hand, though the price tag on this vacuum may have deterred me from buying one for myself, it is a pretty great appliance. I can definitely recommend it, especially if you can do like I did and get yours with other people's money.

Sticky Links: Thanks Ant.
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Follow-up: Chipotle cuts losses, settles wrongful termination case. Thanks Orogogus.
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