Archived News:

Thursday, Sep 13, 2012 Scooby Doo Day

Mark of the Ninja Coming to Steam?

This Steam Content Description Record Decoder Website reveals indications that Mark of the Ninja is heading to Steam, a PC edition we suggested was to be expected when this platformer from Klei Entertainment (Shank) was announced earlier this year. They say an entry for the game showed up on Monday. Thanks Joao.

Prison Architect Nears Alpha Stage

Introversion Software tweets that they plan on beginning alpha testing within the next three months for Prison Architect, the breakout game they announced late last year. Word is: "The Prison Architect Alpha will be launched in the next 90 days. That kind of answer your q?" Thanks Joao.

Take On Helicopters Patch Integrates Arma 2 Content

The Take On Helicopters Game Updates Page now offers a new "Downtown" patch to update Bohemia Interactive Studios' helicopter simulation to version 1.06 (the Steam version will update automatically). This includes a free Take On Helicopters: Rearmed update that integrates Arma 2 content into the game, though they note that this "is a bonus project for supporters of our various games. Not all content merged will function fully correctly, and we can only support the most striking issues." Here's word:
Take On Helicopters: Rearmed is a free official DLC for Take On Helicopters. It seamlessly merges Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead content into the game. Fly your helicopter over the gorgeous autumn landscape of Chernarus, dodge incoming fire from a myriad of Anti-Air weapon systems, and fight in massive combined arms operations.

Take On Helicopters: Rearmed is installed automatically together with the Downtown patch, which in itself brings various improvements to the game. Owners of legitimate versions of our military games will see the content included the next time they launch Take On Helicopters.

Drox Operative Beta Patches

New beta patches for the Windows and OS X editions of Drox Operative are now available on the downloads page for Soldak Entertainment's upcoming action/RPG. Word is: "This patch increases the frame rate especially in larger sectors and fixes a bunch of small things." All the details can be found in the change log.

Amnesia Postmortem - Piracy? "Screw It"

The Frictional Games Blog has a postmortem on Amnesia: Dark Descent, the horror game that was first released a little over two years ago (thanks Joao). They explain why they can only estimate how many copies they've sold at around a million, and how they are still managing to sell about 10,000 copies per month. They estimate the game cost $360K to make, and has since earned ten times that amount, prompting them to offer this perspective on piracy: "It has been over a year since we even thought about piracy. With sales as good as above we cannot really see this as an issue worth more than two lines in this post, so screw it."

Dishonored Video Diary

The Bethesda Blog has their Developer Documentary Part 3 for Dishonored, discussing the consequences of your choices in Arkane's upcoming stealth assassination game. Word is: "Pursue your targets under the cover of darkness or ruthlessly attack them head on with weapons drawn. The outcome of each mission plays out based on the choices you make." Continue here to read the full story.

Into the Black

Link of the Day: Deadpool vs Gangnam Style. Thanks Ant.

Diablo III Patch Sneak Peak

The Diablo III Website now offers a sneak peak at what to expect from the upcoming version 1.0.5 patch for Blizzard's action/RPG, saying they will offer articles with more detail over the coming days, implying the patch is not far off. The new version will include defensive skill changes and reduced incoming damage to promote build diversity, a new Infernal Machine device to allow high-level players to play steroidal bosses, and a new Monster Power system designed to give players more control over how challenging enemies are in each difficulty. They also have a new article called Voices of Diablo III, Part One talking with the voice actors behind Tyrael, Azmodan, and Covetous Shen.

World of Warcraft Hotfixes

The World of Warcraft Website now offers a list of hotfixes applied since the recent version 5.0.5 patch for Blizzard's MMORPG. The hotfixes include class balance changes as well as fixes for dungeons and raids.

Ubisoft Making Fewer AAA Games

An interview on hears from Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, who discusses the French game developer/publisher's take on the future of digitally distributed games. He discusses cross platform games and the next generation of consoles, and says that they will be developing fewer "bigger" games going forward, though they may also be experimenting more with smaller projects:
With next gen consoles, it's going toward bigger games, and yes, we will make less of them. But with free-to-play games, the teams aren't as big so we can try different things and find subjects that are of interest to consumers. We announced Mighty Quest for Epic Loot last week, and we are announcing new types of games. This new environment is actually giving us the chance – because we're reaching new consumers – to develop new types of game brand and experience. What I like about the FTP model is that you are with your consumers all the time – you can spend six months refining the gameplay and then put it in another environment, another title, because you automatically know it works well.

Guild Wars 2 Sells 2 Million

ArenaNet announces sales figures for Guild Wars 2, saying their recently launched MMORPG sequel has now sold more than two million units:
NCsoft®, the world’s premier publisher and developer of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) and ArenaNet, developer of the renowned Guild Wars franchise, has announced that the chart-topping MMO Guild Wars 2 has sold more than two million units. Despite temporarily halting first-party sales and replenishing retail stores to maintain an optimal player experience, Guild Wars 2 surpassed the two million sales milestone shortly after turning sales back on.

Ghost Recon Online Arctic Pack Released

The Ghost Recon Online Website announces the availability of the promised Arctic Pack for the free-to-play online Tom Clancy shooter (thanks VG247). They also highlight new items from the pack that are currently on sale, making these microtransactions that much more micro.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Panel Video

This video offers a look at a PAX Prime panel conducted by Firaxis to discuss XCOM: Enemy Unknown, their upcoming continuation of the classic XCOM series. The clip is humbly titled "A Thousand Stupid Ideas on the Road to Glory," as word is: "The four leads from Firaxis Games give attendees insight into the development process including some of the terrible ideas they thought of and ideas that stuck with moderator Geoff Keighley. Also featured in the panel are never-before-seen videos from very early versions of the game that you won't find anywhere else." Continue here to read the full story.

New NVIDIA Drivers

Probably not a coincidence with a batch of new NVIDIA graphics card reviews today, the GeForce Website now offers new version 306.23 reference drivers for NVIDIA GPUs. Word is: "This is the first WHQL-certified driver from the R304 family of drivers (304.xx to 306.xx) and the first WHQL-certified GeForce driver to combine support for Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista into a single driver package." They also state that these drivers are recommended for the imminent releases of Borderlands 2 and World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Thanks Dana.

Morning Previews

Morning Screenshots

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews

Out of the Blue

This new all-season Thursday Night Football deal is going to be tough getting used to, as it leaves all of three days between the conclusion of the previous week of NFL play and the start of the next week. Only Cutter (mostly) took up the challenge to out-pick me last week, and succeeded in spite of not actually picking the opener: He ended up 10-5 and I was 9-7. Not sure what I would do if more than one other person had picked, since that took long enough to compile as it is. Anyway, tonight is a classic, and a tough pick, but I am going with the Bears.

Links: Thanks Ant and Acleacius.
Play: SpaceShip.
Awaken 2 Rise of Heroes.
Links: The Eight Most Annoying Enemy Types in Video Games.
Stories: Mike Francesa falls asleep on-air. Joins his listeners in a nap.
Science: Ebola outbreak out of control in Congo: WHO.
West Nile cases in U.S. up nearly a third in latest week: CDC.
Images: Team Fortress 2 Quilt.
Media: The Parent Rap. Werd.
Woman Drives on Sidewalk to Pass School Bus. Stay awesome.
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