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Thursday, Aug 04, 2005 Bowser Day

Site Seeing

The Cold War Website has launched for the upcoming stealth game in the works at Mindware Studios. The Flash site offers info about the game, most of the screenshots are new, there are official forums, and more. Also, a new Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines Website is online as a Flash home to the upcoming stealth game featuring an American flier downed in enemy territory during World War II. The site offers signups for email notification about future updates and multilingual information about the game as well as the trailer and screenshots for the game, which is due for release by the end of this month.

The Late Show

A new Conflict: Global Terror movie is now available, showing off Pivotal Games' upcoming tactical shooter sequel. The clip is available in one or both of two resolutions on 3D Gamers, FileFront,, Gamer's Hell, GameSpot, and Worthplaying. Also, a new Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault movie shows off more of Relic's upcoming frostbitten RTS expansion, the clip is available on 3D Gamers, FileFront, GameSpot, and Worthplaying. Finally, this German Settlers Page has details on a new Settlers V add-on movie that's available for download here. The expansion's German title is Legenden, for which no English title nor release plans have been announced (thanks Frans).

Source Engine/Counter-Strike: Source Updates

Steam News announces an update to the Source engine and an update to Counter-Strike: Source, both available automatically via the Steam service (thanks Frans). The Source update mostly addresses prediction bugs while the Counter-Strike update mainly addresses exploits.

Guild Wars Update Plans

The Guild Wars Website (thanks Frans) now offers a new "State of the Game" address with details on plans to further update ArenaNet's MMORPG going forward. The update covers Ascended Content for advanced characters, advancement changes, PvP play balancing, and plans to unveil Observer Mode.

Shenmue Online Axed?

A report on Prodigious Gaming (thanks Mike Martinez) suggests that Shenmue Online has been cancelled. There's not much in the way of detail on the unconfirmed report, attributed to an unlinked Japanese website, but there was not much known about this planned online installment in the console RPG series, which was to mark the debut of the series on the PC.

Evening Q&As

  • The Suffering: Ties That Bind
    The Suffering: Ties That Bind Unbound on Computer and Video Games is a Q&A with Richard Rouse about Midway's upcoming horror sequel: "Sequels are great for games because they give development teams a chance to really refine the gameplay mechanics, and provide a much tighter and more compelling game. As well as tightening up weapon selection, inventories and controls, we've improved the variety of enemies and the tactics they use to attack you. Our creatures are still the distinct, horrific fiends players liked in the first game, but they're quite a bit more clever and deadly this time around."
  • King Kong
    Peter Jackson Speaks on GameSpot is a Q&A with the director about his upcoming King Kong remake, and the related game tie-in: "From day one we believed that close collaboration was essential to ensure that the game was a true extension of the film universe. We spent a lot of time during the preproduction phase of the game discussing key story points and gameplay elements. There has been ongoing communication throughout the entire process, and the team in New Zealand has had the ability to play game builds throughout."

Myst V Limited Edition

Ubisoft announces a Myst V: End of Ages Limited Edition that will include a making-of video, a soundtrack, and a strategy guide.

Evening Previews

Evening Screenshots

Into the Black

Should I worry that MrsBlue submitted this evening's hiccup link?

Links (Hic!): Thanks Mike Martinez, Ant, and EvilToast.
Links: Hiccups Warehouse. Contains some adult content (but mostly hiccups).
John Carmack - Uncyclopedia. Thanks Chris.
Stories: When life hands you a rival lemonade stand ....
M&M's targets adults with mega-sized candies.
Science! Robot catcher grabs high speed projectiles. Yeah, but can it hit a curve ball?
Follow-ups: Cloned dog raises ethical questions of its science.
NY authorities battle intruding snakehead fish.

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Announced

Ubisoft announces Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, a first-person Source-engine continuation of the series in the works at Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis) planned for release next summer:

New Might & Magic® game to be powered by Source™ Engine from Valve

SAN FRANCISCO – AUGUST 4, 2005 – Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announces the development of Dark Messiah™ of Might & Magic®, a new first-person action game for the PC, powered by an enhanced version of the Source™ Engine, the award-winning game technology Valve created to power Half-Life®2.

Developed by Arkane Studios, the team behind the critically acclaimed Arx Fatalis game, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic puts players in a first-person perspective, allowing them to immerse themselves in the legendary Might and Magic universe as never before. It is also the world’s first fantasy action game to feature a complete first-person combat system. It takes full advantage of the Source™ Engine’s exceptional technological enhancements in areas such as character animation, advanced AI, real-world physics and shader-based rendering.

Ubisoft acquired the Might and Magic brand in 2003, and Dark Messiah of Might & Magic is the second title Ubisoft will be launching as it restores this famed franchise to glory. Dark Messiah of Might & Magic is scheduled for a summer 2006 release and will be shown for the first time at the Games Convention in Germany on August 17, 2005.

PC Gauntlet Thrown Down

The PC version of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows has been cancelled. Word that the PC edition of the RPG remake is off the schedule comes from Midway in response to queries from 3D Gamers based on changes to their release schedule. No reasons for the decision are provided, though it seems safe to say this is related to recent revelations of the departures of John Romero (story) and J.E. Sawyer (story) from Midway, as both were involved in this project. The console versions are said to still be on track, Midway says that the PS2 and Xbox editions will be released this winter.

Dragonshard SP Demo

A new single-player demo for Dragonshard is now available, offering the chance to sample Liquid Entertainment's upcoming D&D RTS. The demo is a 370 MB download, available on the Atari Australia Website and mirrored on 3D Gamers, ActionTrip, FileFront, FileShack,, Gameguru Mania, Gamer's Hell, PC Gameworld, and Worthplaying.

Far Cry Patch Plans has details about plans for the upcoming version 1.33 patch for Far Cry (thanks Ant). The post has details on the 32-bit patch, the 64-bit patch, the Linux dedicated server, 64-bit PunkBuster support, and the C++ SDK.

The Early Show

A new trio of Star Wars Battlefront II movies are now online, showing off Pandemic's upcoming sci-fi shooter sequel. The clips show off three locations: Jabba's Palace, Kashyyk, and Yavin IV. They can be found on 3D Gamers, FileFront, Fragland, Gamer's Hell, GameSpot, and Worthplaying.

Dear Diaries

Things I've Seen That Made Me Smile on the D&D Online Website is a new journal courtesy of Turbine's Zyrca who relates some amusing anecdotes from the development of their upcoming D&D MMORPG. Also, the Conflict: Global Terror Designer Diary #1 on GameSpot is a journal penned by Jim Bambra of Pivotal Studios about the upcoming installment in the Conflict series that's set in the modern era. Also, MMORPG.COM's Pirates of the Burning Sea Dev Journal #2 is online, offering further thoughts from Russell Williams of Flying Labs Software about their upcoming seafaring MMORPG.

Morning Q&As

  • Serious Sam II
    Gamecloud's Serious Sam II Q&A talks with Dinko Pavicic and Petar Ivancek of Croteam about their upcoming shooter sequel: "Our primary goal was to take the well-known, frantic, fast paced gameplay of Serious Sam to the next level. This time there will be more enemies, more guns, more shooting and more everything...all that wrapped around a brand new Serious Engine to provide the best action experience ever. Other than that, we wanted to expand the gameplay in some other areas, so now you will find yourself driving vehicles through hordes of enemies, fighting side by side with NPCs, blowing apart whole villages, cities and similar stuff just to maintain peace in the universe. I would like to say more, but that would ruin the surprise."
  • Indigo Prophecy
    Adventure Gamers' Quantic Dream Q&A talks with David Cage and Guillaume de Fondaumiere of Quantic about their upcoming adventure game known as both Fahrenheit and Indigo Prophecy: "It is relatively difficult to sell this type of game. You must know that Indigo Prophecy probably is one of the only adventure games that will be published in the United States for the PS2. Generally, for various reasons, Sony does not publish adventure games. They believe that adventure games are not suitable for the target audience. So, we really had to show them that Quantic's work was totally different from any other game that was out there. We also made them understand that we could totally change the controls and still have an experience that was worth playing and could still appeal to adventure gamers."
  • Movies
    Gamecloud's House Of The Dead 2 Movie Q&A chats with scriptwriter Mark Altman about the upcoming game adaptation sequel: "When we developed the property, there hadn't been a major zombie film since Day of the Dead. Ironically, by the time the film got made and released, we came at the tail end of a wave of big-budget zombie films which was ironic. I will say this, that one of the reasons the story of the game was changed from a genetic mutation by Dr. Curien was because at the time the film was being planned, everyone was concerned about not being too close to Resident Evil and we were trying to stay away from what they were doing at the time."

Midway Bags Ratbag

Midway Acquires Australian Developer Ratbag (thanks Frans) has word that down-under developer Ratbag has been acquired by Midway, and will become Midway Australia:
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 4, 2005-- Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY - News), a leading interactive entertainment publisher and developer, announced today that it has acquired Ratbag Holdings Pty Ltd., a game development studio based in Adelaide, South Australia. Midway acquired the privately-held developer in a primarily stock transaction for 418,570 Midway shares. The studio is currently working on several unannounced Midway products for both current- and next-generation systems. The studio will be renamed Midway Studios - Australia.

SpellForce 2 Subtitle

The SpellForce 2 Website now reveals the subtitle for Phenomic's role-playing/strategy game sequel to be Shadow Wars. Thanks Frans.

Germany & French WoW Patches

The manual editions of new patches for the German and French editions of Word of Warcraft are now available, updating these localized editions of Blizzard's MMORPG to version 1.6.1. The patches, for those having trouble with automatic updates, can be found on Clubic and mirrored on 3D Gamers and FileFront.

Morning Previews

Morning Screenshots

Game Guidance

The rambling Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion FAQ has been updated with another half-dozen questions and answers. Thanks Frans.


Help Wanted

The KingsIsle Entertainment Jobs Page now lists a bunch of new openings at the Austin, Texas based developer. They are currently seeking a Lead Programmer, a Lead Artist, a Producer, an Artist, a Senior Game Systems Programmer, a Senior Game Programmer, a Senior Server Programmer, and a Level Designer.

Thursday Game Reviews

Thursday Hardware Reviews

Out of the Blue

Last night I was awakened by some furious barking from Hudson the wonder dog. Now there's no way for a creature to make a move in our (or I should say her) back yard without her knowledge, but she also clearly understands that barking at skunks and such is a no-no after lights out. I haven't actually heard of a real burglary in our quiet town since we've been here, but the unusual doggie alarm makes me wonder if someone may have been skulking around outside or something.

Alarming Links: Thanks Mike Martinez, Ant, and EvilToast.
Play Time: Scavengeroogle.
Stories: Alert! President Bush declares national emergency... again.
Web Site Devotes Itself to Strange Firings.
Colorado Co. Develops Glow-In-Dark Lamps.
Media: Failed Robbery. Thanks Flying Penguin.
Science! Scientists Deem Saturn Moon Titan Dry. Bootleggers prep rockets.
Pentagon's New Goal: Put Science Into Scripts (registration required).
Follow-ups: Voice of Reason: The Reality of Bigfoot. Thanks j.c.f.
Discovery may need more repairs.
'04 Report Faulted Application of Shuttle Foam (registration required).
Teh Funny: Forgotten Arcade Games of the '80s.
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