Archived News:

Sunday, Oct 17, 2004

WW2 Panzer Claws II Unveiled

The official World War II Panzer Claws II Website is online, as well as the Product Page for the game from publisher ZUXXEZ, each revealing production on Reality Pump Studios' RTS sequel featuring World War II armored combat (thanks Frans). Here's a bit on the game, due fourth quarter of this year:
The game features Real Time Strategy and offers 3D scaled maps of battlefields. The scenery changes depending on the time of day, seasons and weather conditions that highly affects visibility. The unit's mobility is reduced by roads hidden in rain or snow.

All landscape features and vehicles, infantry and buildings are true 3D objects. Campaigns and single missions are completed in different seasons reflected in changing scenery. An advanced easy-to-use scenario editor enables the player to create his own maps and battles.

A player has the possibility of choosing one of the four sides in the conflicts: the Germans, the Russians or the Allies and the French Resistance.

New BF1942 Desert Combat

The new version 0.8 of the Desert Combat modification for Battlefield 1942 is now available. The 361 MB update to the modern combat mod for the military shooter requires version 0.7 to be already installed. Downloads of the client (and in some cases the updated server files) can be found on Boomtown (registration required), FileFront, FilePlanet (registration required), Filerush (torrent), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying. There is also a new Desert Combat Final Q&A on FPS Central conducted immediately prior to the new release (thanks Ant).

Sunday Q&As

  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
    There's a Leonard Boyarsky Q&A on PlanetBloodlines with the English edition of a Q&A (also available in German) discussing Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Troika's upcoming Source-engine RPG: "There is definitely a main story arc, as in most of our games, but all of our sidequests are totally open to whether the player wants to play them or not. Of course, even though the main story can be considered more linear than wide open, there are multiple ways to solve each of the main story arc quests, of course. Anyone who likes Troika style RPGs will love this game."
  • Return to Mysterious Island
    GamersInfo's Return to Mysterious Island Q&A talks with Alexis Lang, lead designer on Kheops Studios' adventure game based on the works of Jules Verne: "In our game, Mina is the first solo woman to compete for the Jules Verne Trophy. This challenge was created in the early 90s by some French navigators and is another tribute to Jules Verne. She will start the adventure on the shore of the island after a violent storm! All these elements are also explained in our game. The player will receive newsletters via a kind of PDA device."

Far Cry Patch Plans

There are some Patch Notes on the Far Cry Forums (thanks FPS Central and Ant) with word on what to expect on the long awaited (dare we say overdue) version 1.3 patch for Crytek's first-person shooter. No timeframe is offered on when to expect the patch to be released.

The Frozen Throne Map

This Warcraft III Bonus Maps Downloads Page offers a new bonus map for the Frozen Throne expansion for Blizzard's RTS game (thanks Frans). Here is the description for the map titled Echo Isles: "Though these islands are surrounded by deep and treacherous waters, they have seen little peace. Many of the creatures dwelling here are refugees from the war. They have nothing left to lose. Don't expect a warm welcome."

Sunday Screenshots

Wanted Patch

The Adventure Company's Support Pages is where to find a new version 1.1 patch for Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure. The update addresses a few bugs, as well as incompatibilities with older video cards. Thanks Frans.

Battlefield (Vietnam) Galactica

A pre-alpha release of the Battlefield Galactica modification for Battlefield Vietnam is now available (thanks Ant). The website is in German, but a Babel Fish can provide a rough translation.

Navy SEALs Q3A Mod

A new beta version 1.93 of the Navy SEALs Covert Operations modification for Quake III Arena is now available (thanks Ant). The new release includes four new maps, a couple of maps that previously were not official, and a bunch of new features.

Game & Mod Development

This Sierra Entertainment Downloads Page (thanks Frans) now offers the TRIBES Vengeance development kit. Word is: "Included in this kit is source code that can be used to compile of all of the scripts used in Tribes: Vengeance. You can modify, extend and reference these scripts in order to create customizations, mutators and modifications."

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


Out of the Blue

The only thing worse than bye week in the NFL is an early season bye when your team has no major injuries and is coming off a winning streak.

Stories of the Day: Chinese satellite part hits house. Thanks John.
Memorial honors astronaut Cooper.
Slashdot | Farscape Returns Sunday.
Image of the Day: Toilet Candy. Thanks North*Pole.
Media of the Day: Cunningstunt.
Animal Lover. Thanks Ant.
Follow-ups: On the Contrary Do Good! Win a Prize! (registration required).
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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