Archived News:

Wednesday, Mar 10, 2004 MAR10 Day

Game Movies

A new SÖLDNER: Secret Wars trailer is now available on FilePlanet (registration required), offering gameplay footage from the upcoming mercenary-themed shooter. Word is the clip "shows off many of the 60+ weapons and 70+ hi tech vehicles that dominate over two million square miles of realistic, fully destructible battlefield." A mirror can be found on 3D Gamers, Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying. Also, a pair of new movies showing off The Egyptian Prophecy: The Fate of Ramses are available, showing off the upcoming point-and-click adventure. Both clips can be downloaded from 3D Gamers.

Evening Q&As

  • Starship Troopers
    The Starship Troopers Q&A Part 2 on 1UP talks further with Strangelite about Empire Interactive's upcoming Starship Troopers shooter, learning along the way about familiar elements from the movie to be included: "In between missions we will probably include some propaganda -- we're trying to capture the whole military 'feel' of the film. I'm sure 'would you like to know more?' will show up from time to time. And yes, we have some truly horrible deaths planned. Would you like to know more?"
  • Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
    There's a Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Q&A on Computer And Video Games (thanks Frans) talking with Zombie's Marc Long about their upcoming shooter: "The PC version will be totally ramped up with gorgeous lighting effects; we're just starting to work on the PC version right now; the Xbox version is out in June, and the PC one will come out a couple of months later. I think if the game does really well, there's a chance we could see other versions on PS2 and GameCube too."
  • Pirates of the Burning Sea
    There's a Pirates of the Burning Sea Q&A on The Adrenaline Vault talking with Taylor Daynes, lead designer on Flying Labs Software's upcoming seafaring MMORPG.

Dear Diaries

Action Vault's Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth Sneak Peek #1 initiates a new series on Headfirst Studios' upcoming Lovecraft-inspired action/horror game with Call of Cthulhu producer Chris Gray providing a quick overview of the game, describing what combat is like in a game without a HUD. RPG Vault's Realms of Torment Peek #19 is online, offering part one of a look at the melee combat system in Realms of Torment, courtesy of Dan Antonescu, lead designer on the upcoming MMORPG.

Evening Previews

Rapid Gunner (and Wasteland Heroes)

The 7fx Website has word that a new game has been added to the games page of the Czech developer of Team Factor. The new game is called Rapid Gunner, though it turns out another unannounced title, a post-apocalyptic driving game called Wasteland Heroes, is also mentioned there (thanks Frans). Here's the description of Rapid Gunner: "Is a simulator of shooting at targets with pistols. Every mission represents a range where players can practice their aim, perception, and tactics. The missions are from novel environments, unusual to regular ranges. And there's a wide selection of available weapons."

Evening Screenshots

Steam Fixes

The Steam News Page (thanks Frans) has word of an updated release to the broadband delivery system that fixes the problems with yesterday's release (story).

On Max Payne 3

Another revelation can be learned from the Bear Stearns Media 2004 Conference, where Take-Two Interactive CEO Jeff Lapin (thanks Shackforums and Ant) reveals that in spite of lower than projected sales of Max Payne 2, there will be a Max Payne 3: "I think we'll take a few years to make the next one that much more spectacular, is what we have to do, but its clearly a brand that everybody knows, and there will be another Max Payne." Jeff makes some other interesting points about the industry during his talk, including his assessment that the margins on value-priced games are as good as those of full-priced products.


The ATI Drivers & Software Page now offers downloads of new version 4.3 CATALYST reference drivers. Among the listed changes and improvements in the release notes are "SURROUNDVIEW" multi-adapter, multi-monitor support for the integrated ATI RADEON 9100 IGP graphics processor and a new enhanced rotation mode. They also list performance improvements, specifically mentioning 3-7% frame rate improvements for Halo and Tomb Raider. Thanks Ant.

Combat Mission Afrika Korps Scenarios/Book

The Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Website features a dozen new downloadable scenarios for the World War II strategy game. The new scenarios are to highlight the release of a book called The CMAK Companion: The Battery Commander, his Batman, and a Cook, described as "a fascinating collection of 150 accounts of small-unit action in the Mediterranean Theater." Thanks Frans.

New Rocket Arena 3

The Rocket Arena Website now features downloads of a new version 1.75 of Rocket Arena 3, the Quake III Arena edition of this venerable modification. In addition to new features, this release includes updated versions of four of the mod's maps.

Godfather Game?

A report on HomeLAN Fed (thanks Frans) has word that Electronic Arts' CFO Warren Jenson revealed that the company is at work on a game based on the trilogy of Godfather movies during a presentation at Bear Stearns. No details such as target platforms or even the game's genre accompanied the revelation, though the EA principal did say he expects the game will earn a "M"ature rating.

Ships Ahoy: Athena Sword

Ubisoft sends word that the Athena Sword expansion for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield is now available:
San Francisco, CA - March 10, 2004 - Ubisoft announced today that Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3: Athena Sword(tm) has shipped for the PC. The first mission pack for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, Athena Sword adds even higher levels of entertainment and realism to the Rainbow Six experience. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword is rated "T" for Teen and will have an MSRP of $19.99.

Command the world's most elite, multinational force of counter-terrorist operatives in their latest mission. Track the desperate remnants of the international terror network from Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield into the exotic regions of the Mediterranean and prevent their mad agenda of international anarchy and devastation.

Game Features

    • All new eight mission campaign in locations from Italy and Croatia to Greece.
    • Five new multiplayer levels: Chemical Factory, Ferry Boat, University, Italian Alleys and Jungle.
    • Three new multiplayer game modes: Adversarial Terror Hunt, Adversarial Scattered Hunt and Capture the Enemy.
    • Seven additional real-world weapons, for a total of 64, with sound effects from the team that worked on the blockbuster movie, The Matrix.
    • Three bonus classic missions from the original Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear, updated with the latest graphics and technology.

Minimum PC System Requirements
Supporter OS: Windows® 98 SE/ME/2000/XP (only)
Processor: Pentium® III 800 MHz, AMD Athlon(tm) or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB RAM; XP users: 256MB required
Video Card: 32 MB DirectX® 8-compatible 3D graphics card with hardware T&L
Sound Card: DirectX 8.1-compatible sound device

DirectX® Version: DirectX 8.1 or higher
CD-ROM: 16x or faster
Hard Drive Space: 2 GB free hard drive space
Multiplay: Internet connection for play on (56k modem supported but not recommended)

BF Vietnam Linux Server

Version 1.0 of the Linux dedicated server for Battlefield Vietnam is now available, offering the chance for administrators of Penguin-powered servers to get set up well in advance of the release of the game, which is expected on Monday. The 104 MB download contains the server executable, all 14 of the game's maps, and full documentation. The file is available from 3D Gamers, ActionTrip, Filerush (torrent), FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying.

SWAT: Urban Justice Cancelled?

3D Gamers has a story up with word they've picked up from Vivendi that SWAT: Urban Justice has been cancelled. After noticing that all references to the oft-delayed next installment in the SWAT series had been removed from the company's servers, their inquiries returned the response that there is no chance that the game will be released. This was what Vivendi had to say about the future of SWAT:
We'll have news regarding the SWAT franchise this summer

Morning Q&As

  • Digital Extremes
    BeyondUnreal's Dave Ewing Q&A talks with this Digital Extremes designer, discussing how UT2003 turned out, what they would like to have done differently, working with the evolving Unreal engine, the DE bonus pack, UT2004, and even touching on Dark Sector, though the Q&A was conducted prior to the Pariah announcement.
  • 3000AD
    HomeLAN Fed's 3000AD Q&A talks with 300AD designer Derek Smart about the Battlecruiser series, the newly announced UC follow-up, and the upcoming KnightBlade: Final Flight.
  • Hollow
    The Hollow Q&A on GenGamers chats with Bostjan Troha of ZootFly about their upcoming first-person shooter. They discuss weapons, enemies, vehicles, the ability to rewind time, and more.
  • BloodRayne 2
    HomeLAN Fed's BloodRayne 2 Q&A is a conversation with Liz Buckley of RI about the reception that BloodRayne met with, and about progress on the upcoming sequel to the vampiric action game.

X²: The Threat Patch

Egosoft's X Website (thanks Frans) now offers downloads of a new patch for X²: The Threat, updating the space strategy sequel to version 1.3. The site no longer requires registration to download these patches, but they have additionally released a "Modder KIT" for tools and docs, but this is only available to those who have registered their copy of the game.

Steam Update & Rollback

The Steam News Page (thanks Frans) has word on the latest update to Valve's broadband delivery system, which was meant to address problems with last week's update. Unfortunately this complication has had a bit of a complication, and there's subsequent word that this latest update has been rolled-back to address a crashing bug that was discovered after the release.

Morning Previews

Misc. Shipping

EA's MVP Baseball 2004 Swings for the Fences announces: "Get in the swing of things with MVP Baseball™ 2004, an authentic and deep simulation of America’s pastime from Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS), which ships today to retailers nationwide under the EA SPORTS™ brand. With the MVP Baseball franchise’s second outing, hailed a “landmark videogame baseball achievement” by Official Xbox Magazine, opening day has just moved to March." Also, GotGame sends word that A Quiet Weekend in Capri, "a game of mystery and enchantment set on the mystical island of Capri, began shipping to retail this week."

Morning Screenshots

F.A.K.K.2 Add-on Sample

The Mean Arena now offers downloads of "Tomb of Dispair," a sample level from an upcoming unofficial F.A.K.K.2 add-on called "Between Heaven and Hell" being created by Kiltron from Ritual Entertainment.


Thanks Mike Martinez.

Game Guidance

A collection of Thief 3 info on Thief The Circle gathered from various Q&As and forum posts to create an unofficial FAQ of sorts for the upcoming stealthy sequel.

The Mod Squads

The BattleGroup42 Website offers this Friday as the planned release date for version 0.98 of this Battlefield 1942 modification. Thanks Ant. Also, a Strike Force 2004 Update has the latest monthly update on the status of this UT2004 modification.

Game Development & Mods now features the release of binaries and source code for LightX, described by the author as: " ancient program I wrote while toying with ideas like lightmapping and multitexturing. I wrote this after having been programming for one year while introducing myself to the world of 3D engines. Nearly everything in LightX is 'not the way to do things,' but I still like the results."


Relating to the Call Of Duty Mapmaking Competition, the Chad Grenier Q&A on discusses map design for the World War II shooter, discussing what goes into a good level.

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


Out of the Blue

It's been a long time since I have been looking forward to a game as much as I am anticipating the release of Battlefield Vietnam... it's common to look forward to the weekend, but I'm not used to the sensation of wishing for the weekend to have ended... Monday is seeming like it's an awfully long way away.

R.I.P.: 'Murphy Brown's' Pastorelli dead at 49.

Play Time: The Random Masturbation Synonym Generator. Thanks Baudkarma.
Link of the Day: The Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA). Thanks Gudlyf.
Stories of the Day: $1 million bill leads to arrest. Thanks Heath Anderson.
Dear Abby column yanked. Thanks Miguel Gonzalez. Along with her chain.
UK Twitchers watch robin served rare. Thanks Gay_Burns.
Science!: Little Things Could Mean a Lot.
Robot Vehicle Successfully Navigates Test Course (registration required).
Death Rate From Obesity Gains Fast on Smoking.
Image of the Day: The Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Thanks Ray Ward. Related Story. Thanks Jim Hendrickson.
Media of the Day: Alien Vs. Predator full movie trailer. Thanks Mike Work.
Follow-up: That Asteroid Didn't Kill Dinosaurs, Study Says.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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