Archived News:

Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 Happy birthday Snoopy - National S'mores Day (USA)

Joan of Arc Q&A

HomeLAN Fed's Joan Of Arc Q&A talks with Trevor Chan of Enlight about Joan of Arc, their upcoming action/strategy game based on the legendary heroine. They discuss the reasons for the subject matter they've chosen, historical accuracy, the blend of action-based combat and RTS gameplay, and more.

Bruce Shelley Q&A's Bruce Shelley Q&A discusses what's going on at Ensemble Studios. Along the way they determine his role in the company and learn what they can about the upcoming Titans expansion for Age of Mythology as well as some general AoM stuff.

Shadow Vault Q&A

HomeLAN Fed's Shadow Vault Q&A is a chat with Tomáš Benèík of Mayhem Studios about Shadow Vault, their upcoming turn-based strategy game. They touch on how he feels about the release of Empire of Magic before going into detail about how Shadow Vault development is shaping up.

Madden 2004 Demo

A demo of the PC version of Madden NFL 2004 is now available. The demo is a 67 MB download, offering a chance to recreate the Chuckie Bowl of the Oakland Raiders vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The download is available from FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying.

New Q3A Urban Terror Beta

A new beta 3.0 of the Urban Terror modification for Quake III Arena is now available. Here's a bit on the new version: "The development team has essentially created an all new game, like the jump from 1.x to 2.x, Urban Terror 3 has completely new code for lag compensation, hit detection, physics and much more. We have been hard at work updating the male and female model skins, along with tweaking current weapons and their skins. We also debut the new IMI Negev and the highly anticipated game mode, Bomb/Defuse. A fully integrated UI will allow gamers and admins alike to send commands from in game." They have provided an extensive list of mirrors for the 322 MB download.

German Gothic II Add-on Gold

The Gothic II offizielle Website has word in its native German that the "Die Nacht des Raben" add-on for the German version of Piranha Bytes' RPG is gold. No German release date is yet specified, nor has there been an announcement on plans to release the Night of the Raven in other territories. Here's the Babel Fish translation of the update. Thanks Frans.

AirStrike 3D Patch

A new patch is now available for AirStrike 3D, updating the fast-paced helicopter action game to version 1.4. Thanks Frans.

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


  • Birdman's Lair now offers updated SpaceOrb support patches for Half-Life and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Thanks Frans...

Out of the Blue

We had a fine old time celebrating our niece's first birthday yesterday. The neat thing about being one is that nobody is too disturbed when you wear your birthday suit to your birthday. This also worked out in her favor when the cake was served, since she decided to smear as much of it on her body as she managed to get into her mouth. Quite a cute sight, made all the more enjoyable by the fact that somebody else had to clean her up. The joys of parenthood.

Play Time: Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? Thanks Sharon.
Links of the Day: Monkey Shakespeare Simulator.
Soda Unused Cork.
Stories of the Day: A Wild Card, and It Isn't Schwarzenegger (registration required). Prepare to hang your chads in shame again.
US admits it used napalm bombs in Iraq. Thanks Devicer.
Black church's offer of money draws 10 whites. Thanks Devicer.
Wild Science: Laser lights renders radioactive waste safe. Thanks tboy58. I wonder it would work on Haggis too?
Protecting your brain from Alzheimer's.
Weird Science: Monkey shortage hampers research, scientists say. Thanks Jim Chaney.
Scientists Warn That Visitors Are Loving Titanic to Death (registration required). A precious unnatural resource dwindles.
Media of the Day: ASCII Movies. Thanks Sharon.
Auction of the Day: Rare ultra-lightweight supra cycle for sale. Thanks Quboid.
Follow-ups: The 'Do Not Call' Racket. Thanks larry.
G.I. Joe prototype finds new home.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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