Archived News:

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2003

Breed Demo & Release Plans

The Breed Website has an update with word on both the release date in Germany for this upcoming futuristic shooter, as well as word on when to expect the demo. Here's the deal: "CDV Software Entertainment officially announces the German release date for its science fiction shoot em up, Breed. The specialist press will be able to enjoy a detailed preview of the eagerly awaited title at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2003 in Los Angeles before Breed hits German shelves at the end of May. The demo will probably be published at the end of March and will offer a little taste of the masterpiece from Brat Designs and CDV."

UT2003 Bonus Pack Released

This press release announces the release of the second free bonus pack for Unreal Tournament 2003. "The downloadable pack, which includes three new game types, 10 new maps, two new adrenaline combos, new announcer voice options and an in-game music manager, was created by Epic Games and is available at" Mirrors can be found on 3D Gamers, FilePlanet (registration required), FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, UT2003Files, and Worthplaying.

Ships Ahoy: Grom

CDV has announced that Grom, the World War II action adventure game, has shipped to stores in the US. Here's the deal: "With aspirations of world domination, the diabolical Führer has sent a special unit to Tibet, confident that they will uncover the Lost City of King Arjuna. Twelve weapons, each capable of destroying major cities in seconds, are concealed within the ancient ruins. Acting as Colonel Grom, a seasoned campaigner with a witty sense of humor, the player is the one man standing between the Nazis and world domination. With movie-style 3D sound effects and 3D characters derived from Tibetan mythology, this game is entertaining to even the most savvy gamer."

Entering the Matrix

There's an Enter the Matrix Preview on Computer and Video Games offering some first-hand impressions of the upcoming computer game tie-in with the Matrix movie franchise. They discuss the influence of the filmmakers on the game, how the game and movies intertwine, and offer eyewitness accounts of gameplay, including how the game will represent the movie's distinctive slow motion effects:
When you enter combat, the two attacking buttons can be used to pull off a range of combination attacks, with a further button employed to disarm opponents in an ultimately cool manner. All very nice, but the real fighting glory is revealed when you make use of the "Focus" button.

This puts the game into "bullet time" allowing you to pull off some visually amazing, gravity defying stunts. Run at a wall while holding Focus and you back-flip away; run at an angle and you scoot up it and cartwheel off - couple this with a weapon for a deadly hail of fire. Run, jump and shoot with Focus and you'll spin like a corkscrew; do the same backwards and you leap away in slo-mo allowing time to batter the enemy with bullets. All highly impressive.

Ships Ahoy: Uplink: Hacker Elite

Keep an eye on your PC – Uplink Hacker Elite Ships is the press release announcing the availability of the boxed version of Uplink: Hacker Elite, the game that puts the player in the role of a high-tech spy, hacking into computer systems at the behest of rival corporations to experience the joys of "stealing research data, sabotaging other companies, laundering money, erasing evidence, and framing innocent people." Good times. In other game shipment news, Ubi Soft sends word that they have released the gold edition of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, a package that combines the original game with the Desert Siege and Island Thunder expansion packs.

Disciples II Followers

The Disciples World Expands… is a press release from Strategy First announcing plans for two new stand-alone expansion packs for Disciples II: Dark Prophecy. Here's the word: "The first expansion, Disciples II – Guardians of the Light lets gamers play as the two 'good' races in the franchise: the Empire and the Mountain Clans, and the second expansion, Disciples II – Servants of the Dark, features the game’s two 'evil' races: the Undead Hordes and the Legions. Both stand-alone expansions, Guardians of the Light and Servants of the Dark, can also be combined so gamers can play all four races." Word on scheduling is that Guardians of the Light will ship in May 2003 and Servants of the Dark will follow in June 2003. Here's a bit more on planned content:
The two expansion packs will each include 2 new high-level mini campaigns, a random map generator, 16 skirmish/multiplayer maps including 10 never-before-seen maps, and all the updates for Disciples II – Dark Prophecy. Art enhancements will include 3 new special characters, new capital backgrounds, new battle backgrounds, new music tracks and more.

Devastation Gold

ARUSH Entertainment, Groove Games, and Digitalo team up to send word that Devastation, their Unreal-engine first-person shooter, has gone gold, and should be available in North America within a couple of weeks, Word is: "Devastation features amazing graphics and textures, an intriguing and involved storyline, intelligent NPC and enemy AI, incredible weaponry, the ability to pick up and throw items in the environment, and a brand new style of multiplayer gaming called Territories." Also, the latest in the ongoing flood of Devastation previews has been posted on XGR.

Frontline Attack Patch

A new Frontline Attack: War over Europe patch is now available, updating In Images' 3D RTS game (A.K.A. World War II: Panzer Claws) to version 1.1.7. The 6.6 MB patch can be downloaded from 3D Gamers, where word is: "This patch unifies all language editions, and primarily applies a handful of multiplayer enhancements and bug fixes, along with balancing and AI improvements and a few other changes."

Morning Q&As

Morning Previews


An update on PS3 has a chuckle at the expense of recent reports (even picked up by Bloomberg) that says the PS3 would be released by the end of this year, quoting Sony as saying: "The story that Bloomberg is running is a completely false. We have never commented to Bloomberg in relation with this story." Also, Computer and Video Games reports that UK retailer The Dixons group has confirmed it is to stop stocking Nintendo's GameCube console, quoting a leaked memo that says "Due to the continued poor sales on GameCube we are beginning to take our first steps to clear out the format."

Help Wanted

Uncle Sam sends word that he's looking to fill some art positions on the America's Army team: "The America’s Army development team is currently seeking talented low-poly 3D Modelers/Texture Artists to join their staff. Ideal candidates should be proficient in Maya and Photoshop, with particular skills in UV and texture painting. Applicants should be enthusiastic, team-oriented individuals ready to work with a motivated, high-energy team. Must be willing to relocate to Monterey, California, and be a US citizen or possess the appropriate right to work in the United States. Submit resume and portfolio to: Phillip Bossant.

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


  • FilmForce's Deus Ex Update takes advantage of the GDC to talk with the scriptwriter on the upcoming Deus Ex movie, learning about how the screenplay is progressing. Thanks Devster...
  • Shrapnel Games sends word that the release date for Interstellar Trader 2 has been moved to March 21...

Out of the Blue

I mentioned my near-miss run-in with the doggie puke the other day. Turns out this was not an isolated incident, as this morning Hudson the wonder dog again demonstrated the miracle of reverse peristalsis. I don't think she's actually sick as much as it looks like she's not reacting well to a recent change in her dry food. You see the last time I was at the petatorium, I accidentally picked out the wrong variety, which seems to be upsetting her tummy, the Alanis-style irony here is that the offending food is this oatmeal based food intended for sensitive stomachs (seriously). Sometimes you just can't win.

Play Time: Tactics Core Demo. Thanks Sean Malone.
Stories of the Day: Afghans plant flag on the Internet. Thanks Wintermute2_0.
Slice of mercy costs driver job. Thanks Mike Martinez.
The darkest side of ID theft. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Weird Science: As Cellphones Become Cuter, Clarity Suffers (NY Times free registration required). Thanks Mike Martinez.
Wild Science: Signals to be rechecked in alien hunt. Thanks Chris Johnson.
Twins crack face recognition puzzle. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Auction of the Day: Surrogate pregnancy. Thanks Bronco.
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