When you enter combat, the two attacking buttons can be used to pull off a range of combination attacks, with a further button employed to disarm opponents in an ultimately cool manner. All very nice, but the real fighting glory is revealed when you make use of the "Focus" button.
This puts the game into "bullet time" allowing you to pull off some visually amazing, gravity defying stunts. Run at a wall while holding Focus and you back-flip away; run at an angle and you scoot up it and cartwheel off - couple this with a weapon for a deadly hail of fire. Run, jump and shoot with Focus and you'll spin like a corkscrew; do the same backwards and you leap away in slo-mo allowing time to batter the enemy with bullets. All highly impressive.
The two expansion packs will each include 2 new high-level mini campaigns, a random map generator, 16 skirmish/multiplayer maps including 10 never-before-seen maps, and all the updates for Disciples II – Dark Prophecy. Art enhancements will include 3 new special characters, new capital backgrounds, new battle backgrounds, new music tracks and more.
Play Time: | Tactics Core Demo. Thanks Sean Malone. |
Stories of the Day: | Afghans plant flag on the Internet.
Thanks Wintermute2_0. Slice of mercy costs driver job. Thanks Mike Martinez. The darkest side of ID theft. Thanks Mike Martinez. |
Weird Science: | As Cellphones Become Cuter, Clarity Suffers (NY Times free registration required). Thanks Mike Martinez. |
Wild Science: | Signals to be rechecked in alien hunt.
Thanks Chris Johnson. Twins crack face recognition puzzle. Thanks Mike Martinez. |
Auction of the Day: | Surrogate pregnancy. Thanks Bronco. |