Archived News:

Friday, Mar 07, 2003

BioWare Refutes MS Rumor

A post to the Neverwinter Nights Forums (thanks Matt) by BioWare's Tom Ohle has the short and sweet response to the rumor reported in the story below that Microsoft was in the process of acquiring them: "Microsoft is not buying BioWare."

Microsoft Buying BioWare?

Computer and Video Games says they've seen "compelling evidence" from "internal sources operating at the highest levels" that Microsoft is in the process of acquiring Canadian developer BioWare. According to their story, the deal has been in place since before last Christmas, and will probably be announced at E3. When asked for comment, Microsoft called this rumor a rumor.

Harbinger Demo

A new demo for Harbinger is now available, offering a sampling of Silverback Entertainment's recently released science fiction RPG. The demo offers two entirely new levels and a dozen types of enemy and a pre-equipped level six character to play with. The 65 MB demo can be downloaded from FileShack (registration required),, Gamer's Hell, Tiscali Games, and Worthplaying.

New BF1942 Server

On the heels of the new version 1.31 patch for Battlefield 1942 comes the corresponding updated version 1.31 dedicated server for DICE's WW2 shooter. The 69 MB file can be found on 3D Gamers, FileShack (registration required), FilePlanet (registration required), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying.

BF1942 Patch

A new version 1.31 patch is now available for the retail version of Battlefield 1942, Digital Illusions' World War II shooter. The update fixes a crashing problem with co-op mode, removes the default remote admin password to prevent exploits, fixes wall hack exploits as well as an exploit that allowed players to hide within objects, and more. It is noted that SoundBlaster Audigy owners will need to turn on hardware sound acceleration due to an issue that remains in the patch. The 47 MB file can be found on EA Europe's FTP server (direct link), and there are mirrors on 3D Downloads, 3D Gamers, FilePlanet (registration required), FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, and Worthplaying.

GTA Free

The Rockstar Classics Free Downloads Page (thanks GTA center) now offers downloads of the original version of Grand Theft Auto for no charge. The game is a 328 MB download, and while the code has been updated to operate on modern systems under Windows, they cannot guarantee the results on any individual set-up, and the installation and use of this program is at your own risk.

Security Flash: Flash Insecure

TechWeb: Flash Player poses threat (thanks Mike Martinez) has word of a potential security flaw in the Flash multimedia playback code. The issue raised is with the "sandbox" that's supposed to provide a security layer between the user's system and the Flash player, which is estimated to be installed on 75% of the world's computers. A fix is now available on the Macromedia Website that all users are encouraged to install.

More on the German Index

A follow-up on reports that sales of Command & Conquer Generals in Germany have been curtailed due to the game being temporarily placed on that country's "index" (story) can be found on (thanks YiYas). Babel Fish can translate the German site, which has word that Generals has been indexed, along with GTA: Vice City, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, and Red Faction. The index restricts how media can be sold and marketed in Germany to minors.

Morning Previews

Mac EQ Beta Testing

The EverQuest for Macintosh Beta Site is where Mac users interested in testing SOE's addictive MMORPG can sign-up. Though the sign-ups have just been posted, word is they are looking to start testing "in the start of 2003," so it's not clear when this will actually kick off (if it hasn't already).

Morning Q&As


Reservoir Dogs to become SCi computer game (thanks Boomtown) is the press release announcing plans for a game based on Quentin Tarantino's breakthrough movie for the PS2 and Xbox. "SCi promises that gamers will be able to play all the film's key characters, including Mr Blonde..." I just don't want to be Mr. Pink. No planned release date has been announced.

Morning Screenshots

Tech Bits

Thanks Mike Martinez.

UT2003 UnrealSpeed

The first public beta of the UnrealSpeed racing modification for Unreal Tournament 2003 is now available. In addition to being able to outrace your opponents, you can also outgun them, as the mod includes the option to arm its vehicles with weapons.


The ongoing Galactic Civilizations Game Giveaway on UGO is winding down, but there's still time to enter for the chance to win an advance copy of the now-gold space strategy game signed by its developers at Stardock Software. You can participate on UGO and locally here as well as on Caster's Realm, Gamer's Pulse, and PC Gameworld. Since five copies being given away on each site, signing-up at each will increase your chances of winning. This contest is open to U.S. residents only.

Help Wanted

The Inside Crytek jobs page (thanks YiYas) has details on a few openings they are looking to fill. They have help wanteds up for a technical director, an art director, a lead animator, and a PS2 programmer. Crytek is located in Coburg, Bavaria.

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


  • Take-Two Interactive sends word that Mike Wilson has returned to their company, where he previously served following their acquisition of Gathering of Developers. Mike will serve as VP in charge of Artists & Repertoire, "and will focus on signing a new lineup of titles from the world's premier PC game developers."...
  • Vivendi Loses $25.6 Billion; May Sell U.S. Assets (NY Times free registration required). Thanks Aidan Low...
  • Cable firms look to gaming. Thanks Mike Martinez....

Out of the Blue

As a clever interim alternative to acquiring a late-season snow-blower, I am contemplating the alternative approach to snow removal represented by denial. I'm taking the clue from some of my smarter neighbors, who have figured out that if you shovel, you end up with thin layers of ice upon which folks can slip (as I did in my friend's driveway last week), but if you leave your walk unshoveled, it gets avoided altogether. This plan was actually prompted by the fact that my shovel now seems to be broken from this winter's festivities... when you scoop up a pile of snow, the blade of the shovel swivels and immediately re-dumps the pile. Sort of the snow equivalent of a dribble glass (maybe after I get a snow blower I can sell it as a novelty).

Stories of the Day: Appeals court strikes down Net porn law. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Enraged Computer Owner Shoots Up Machine. Thanks Nemo.
Former 'Idol' contestant in deadly bar brawl. Thanks Jamie Fullerton.
Wild Science: Bank glitch gives student $9.9 million. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Follow-ups: 'Crossgates Mall drops charges in T-shirt incident'. Thanks brother19.
Crunch! Giant Chee-to spurs online frenzy. Thanks devilbunny.
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