Archived News:

Sunday, Jan 12, 2003

Road to Rome Preview

There's a Road to Rome Preview on with a look at the upcoming add-on that adds the Sicilian theater to the World War II combat of Battlefield 1942. The article doesn't offer much in the way of impressions of the project, but does describe the six maps that add locations like Monte Cassino and Anzio, the nine new included vehicles, how Digital Illusions is also at work on a separate patch to address lingering issues with the original game, and more.

FreeLancer Preview

HomeLan Fed's Freelancer Preview offers another set of impressions based on getting to play with the upcoming space sim in the works at Digital Anvil. The piece offers some of the storied history from the game's lengthy development cycle, to what level this game qualifies as a sequel to Starlancer, the storyline, the player's freedom to depart from the main path, the graphics, the joystick-free control system, and more.

Subliminal Games Q&A

HomeLan Fed's Subliminal Games Q&A talks with Eric "ZeusLegion" Dieter about Subliminal (send Blue money) Games about the origins of their company as a modification team, the (send Blue money) origins of their project to do a Homeworld spin-off using the Impossible Creatures engine, their game's storyline, gameplay, units, UGEs, and (send Blue money) more.

Game Guidance's James Bond 007 Nightfire Walkthrough offers a mission by mission description of how to make your way through the PC version of Nightfire as you take on the role of Bond, James Bond.

Game Reviews

Hardware Reviews


Out of the Blue

Lately I've had some serious glitches with my gaming computer, and as a temporary network troubleshooting effort as much as anything, installed a couple of games on my work computer as a control test. As it turns out, this measure may be more than temporary, as this machine seems to not only clear up the problem I was addressing, and plays everything I've tried so far flawlessly, in spite of this machine's use of Windows 2000 Professional, which Microsoft readily admits is not very well suited for game playing. Go fig.

R.I.P.: Bee Gees singer Maurice Gibb dies. Thanks ZigZang.

Play Time: Inter - Face. Thanks Sharon.
Link of the Day: Rocking horse toilet. Thanks John Coke.
Image of the Day: Frodo's Failure. Thanks Peter Woronko. But we can still see him!?
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