Monte Cristo Announces Fire Chief for PC in June 2003

Donning yellow trousers and mounting a shiny red engine, Monte Cristo today announced the release of Fire Chief for PC in June 2003.

Offering more red-hot action than you can shake a fire axe at, Fire Chief is a tactical mission-based game which offers spectacular action in realistic settings. Players take charge of a squad of specialized fire fighters and vehicles. Under pressure, they must make the right decisions and fight against numerous fires and obstacles in order to minimise collateral damage and save lives.

Fire Chief features full 3D gameplay across 10 challenging missions with 34 levels, including forest fires, warehouse fires and petrol station explosions.

Fire Chief offers six distinct jobs including the basic fire fighter, who reduces the size of fires and breaks obstacles using an axe; the paramedic, who transports the injured away from the scene of the fire; the technical officer, who closes gas valves and works on all complex mechanical objects; the commando, who infiltrates the most inaccessible areas; the specialist in de-incarceration, who overcomes the most difficult of obstacles and, last but not least, the approach suit specialist.

In addition to the men themselves, players can also choose their vehicles in order to overcome obstacles blocking their way and find a strategic point of entry to extinguish a fire more rapidly. In short, Fire Chief houses all the shiny red hardware you would expect in a real fire station including water ladders, rescue ladders, pumpers and tankers.

The Fire Chief development team has worked with an international consultant, who has been involved with a number of real world emergency incidents. He has helped in achieving maximum realism across country specific vehicles and uniforms, level design, victim behaviour, water supply and fire dispersion.

Fire Chief will be published by Monte Cristo for PC in June 2003.