Support Blue's News Directly!

Our ability to continue to provide the best collection of PC gaming and tech news depends on direct contributions from our readers. Your support allows Blue's News to remain completely independent from the influence of game companies, media conglomerates, advertisers, and sponsored content.

Use PayPal or Patreon

Contributions can be made via Patreon or PayPal. We offer three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. A user poll revealed that you'd prefer not to receive scaling rewards as long as we can continue to operate. These different levels simply allow each supporter to be happy with the amount they contribute. Backers receive gold, silver, or bronze badges on the Blue's News forums corresponding to their status. There is also an anonymized option with a generic color to show your support, but not your level. Those who'd rather not bask in this glory can opt to turn off their badge altogether.


Based on reader feedback, monthly tier pricing is USD$3 for Bronze, USD$5 for Silver, and USD$8 for Gold. Those who wish to contribute more can select a higher amount and receive the appropriate supporter designation. Also, those who prefer to make lump contributions can do so, and still receive a forum badge for the appropriate time span. If you opt for a lump sum, please notify us of your tier preference. For example, USD$15 can be five months of Bronze or three months of Silver.

Ad-free Support

Blue's News is 100% ad-free for supporters. Backers will need to create an account to get the ad-free version. For contributors who still wish to receive ads, there is also an option to turn them back on.

Identifying Contributors

If you use the same email address for your PayPal or Patreon account as you use on our forums, we can easily assign your forum badge. If the emails don't match, please include a note with your Blue's News email address or user name so we can properly identify you. Please be aware that creating supporter accounts is a manual process. At times there may be a delay in getting you set up. In particular, accounts set up during the evening may not be updated until the next morning.

Our Heartfelt Thanks

We do not undertake this initiative lightly. The importance of your help in continued operation of the site cannot be overstated. Feel free to insert your own reference to the cost of a cup of coffee here, but we know this is real money and seriously appreciate those wanting to support us. Thank you to all our readers who contribute.

Monthly tiers:

Become a monthly Patron!
Monthly tiers:

Support one-time via Paypal!